Monday, June 28, 2010

Yet Another!

Not a day has passed and yet another roof was lost in tonight's evening storm, the third night in a row. This time, a home on Sunset Blvd suffered. Within moments, several good samaritans came out into the pouring rain and ankle deep water, to clear the street of the foam and wood debris. A neighbor's house across the street was pelted with two by fours, and foam littered the streets into the canal and down to Canal Blvd.
There was a tremendous lightening blast around the time with an immediate thunderclap. Someone thought that there may have been a small tornado involved. I don't know if anyone is certain as yet. Before the evening was over, someone's dock box was rescued from the canal. Wow, what a storm!

Summer Storms cause Roof Damage

The last two evenings have brought pop-up storms just around sunset. Wind gusts were measured at Tampa airport last night no higher than 35 mph. Other weather stations around the city reported gusts slightly higher.
Residents of Blvd 3 were surprised to wake up to a carport roof in front of a house near the Sunset intersection. The wind tore the carport roof off a house on Blvd 2, which apparently struck the antenna on the house before it flew over to Blvd 3.
No one was reported injured. The house suffered damage to the main roof as well.
Ed Scobee asks all residents to check their roofs, and awnings for rusty fittings before the hurricane season goes into high gear. Also trim trees and shrubs away from your roofline to avoid wind damage. Its a shame to see the power of just a little ol' thunderstorm.

Back in the Saddle

After 25 days on the road, Living in Paradise is back at home. We had a great trip out West, visiting New Orleans and then family in Austin TX. Crossing the desert, the heat registered 114 degrees. The sights of Santa Fe, Zion National Park and Bryce Canyon in Utah were outstanding! We thoroughly enjoyed Salt Lake City, the Mormon compound was quite beautiful, and we were able to hear the choir rehearse. Crossing the continental divide in Wyoming on the way back brought a horrible snow blizzard, which caught everyone on the road in tank tops, shorts, and sandals. The truck stop was a zoo!
Its good to be back. The heat is pretty awful. The maintenance crew continues with the roadwork, they are getting Blvd 7 prepped as I write. The park looks beautiful!