Monday, May 28, 2007

Rain Barrel Gardening Workshop

Date: July 12, 2007
Time: 11:00 am
Where: the clubhouse

The Florida Extension Services will present a workshop on rain barrel gardening. The class will last about 45 minutes, and each household that attends will receive a free rain barrel with a spigot, to put under one of your downspouts.

Our goal is to reduce the amount of water that is currently being used in regency Cove, and subsequently reduce our staggering water bill. Pre-registration is required. Sign up in the information room, or call the office.

The first 22 households to sign up will receive their barrel at the class. If resident volunteers with trucks will assist the horticulturalist, then all attending will receive their barrels at the workshop. We'll keep you posted!


pinklady said...

My rainspouts go all the way to the ground. What do I do?

Living in Paradise said...

I guess we will all learn at the same time. If you check out the website of the Hillsborough Extension Office, specifically the Rain Barrel Workshop,(you can Google this), you'll see photos of working rain barrels. They are set up on bricks to raise them slightly off the ground (for spigot access, I imagine). I put a few of these photos on the sign-up sheet in the Inforation Room.
I can't see cutting the downspounts to the top of the barrel, why can't they extend down to the bottom of it? I am sure that slight modifications will be necessary. Nothing is easy anymore. Hopefully the Beautification Committee or the new Gardening Group will give you a hand.

Thanks for your comment!