Monday, August 27, 2007

Reporting a Nuisance Animal

Hillsborough County Animal Services will investigate reports of animals creating a nuisance, such as running loose and barking. Neither dogs or cats are allowed to roam free. Before reporting a nuisance animal to the agency, you should attempt to contact the animal owner(s) to attempt resolution. If that fails to correct the problem, contact Animal Services at 744-5660 and request a nuisance affidavit. Two or more residents of Hillsborough County who live in separate dwellings who are experiencing the same nuisance problem must sign the affadavit. The affadavit will need to be notarized,which can be done free at the Regency Cove office. An Animal Services officer will investigate the complaint if the problem persists, a civil citation may be issued to the owner.
All animals require a Hillsborough County tag, even animals that may only spend a few months here. If a non-tagged animal is found, the owner will be given a citation.

Regarding vicious animals, all bites in the county are investigated to insure the public's health and safety. Any incident involving an animal bite should be reported to Animal Services at 744-5660, or to the County Public Health Unit at 307-8000.

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