Monday, October 22, 2007

Board Passes Marina Rules, Approves New Committee

At the Saturday meeting, the board unanimously approved a motion for new Marina rules. Also approved was an increase in the dock rental fee. The fee for renting an HORC dock will increase from $300 to $400 this coming year, and will increase an additional $100 next year (2009). A copy of the new Marina rules will soon be mailed to every dock owner in the park. The rules cover the use of private docks, as well as the $1,000 docks and the rentals. Also included are guidelines for the boat storage area, which now gives preference to shareholders over renters.

Also approved at the Saturday meeting was the formation of the new Appeals Committee. Although the names of the new committee members have not yet been released (why???), we look forward to an active and impartial committee to review upcoming disputes.

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