Monday, December 24, 2007

Outlook Rebuttal

On December 18, 2007 or shortly thereafter, the members of the Board of HORC received a copy of the following letter, requesting that it be published in the January 2008 Outlook, as a rebuttal to an article published (mistakenly) under the Club Regency heading. Let's see what the Outlook editor chooses (or is ordered) to do with it, in the January issue. Are we indeed a democracy?

"I recently read the column under the heading of Club Regency in the December Outlook. The last paragraph was a personal opinion.

Who is she referring to, as the "Devil and His Disciples"? My wife and I, and several other residents, moved into the park about three years ago. Some of these residents feel that she is referring to them. I feel that she is very likely referring to me.

Upon our arrival into the park, I saw and was told about several things that I felt were illegal. After attending several CAI seminars taught by Ellen DeHahn, the park attorney, I learned that some of the issues were indeed illegal. With the help of the Division of Business and Professional Regulations, I was able to open the formerly secret pre-board, or "workshop meetings" which all shareholders can now attend.

These meetings are now held in the Recreation Hall, rather than in the small conference room, thanks to Mr. Russ Miller who was instrumental in making this meeting handicapped accessible.

I also worked to have ballots at the annual election counted in full view of all the shareholders rather than behind locked doors. I have worked to have our park adhere to the laws of Florida Statute 719, for the good of everyone.

I will continue to push for a strong Board of Directors to operate our park through the park manager, in the manner required by Chapter 719. Our park must not be run by just one or two individuals.

If this qualifies me to be the park devil, I would accept the role gladly and wear the horns and spiked tail with pride."

Pete Chambers


Anonymous said...

Pete, you should realize that all articles for the Outlook need to be to the office by the 15th. If you really wanted to get your rebuttal in the January Outlook it should have been to the office by the 15th. Sending a letter to the board means that the board would have to act on it and then send it to the office so it would not get to the office until way past the deadline and with the Christmas holiday there would be no way for it to get into the January Outlook. If you want to get anywhere having the park stick to the rules you should be aware of the rules and follow them yourself.

Anonymous said...

The Peggy that left the comment is Peggy Pauquette no one else! Sorry if I confused people. It still seems that we should follow rules ourselves before expecting others to do so.

Anonymous said...

Peggy, would you please identify yourself? I assumed that the comment from "Peggy" was from the office because she sounded like an expert on the subject, but she swears that it is not her. Also please tell us where the deadline for Outlook articles is posted so that all can see the correct information. Someone else was told by the office that the deadline is the 26th. WOULD THE REAL PEGGY PLEASE COME FORWARD?

Anonymous said...

Pete, The deadline for the Outlook is still for most of us the 15th of the month (as it has been published in the Outlook in the past) and has not been changed. You were given a special dispensation of the 26th to have an article in this month's Outlook. Be grateful. Guess the deadline needs to be reprinted every month.

Anonymous said...

Where do you post a general comment on the activities of this park. I think there should be a general comment area every month in this blog.