Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Comment From a Resident

I received the following in my email, and was asked to publish it:

What a wonderful park we live in. This past week Ed took some friends in the boat to fish. Since things don’t always go the way we plan, the motor quit working. With a call to the fishermen’s network, Bill Hilliard came out and rescued them. So now he needs to figure out what is wrong with the motor. Al Morel willingly offered his expertise and Al Brickner also offered assistance. With their help and hard work they will get it running if at all possible. Can we find any better neighbors than are in this park? I don’t think so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's even more to the story of Billy Hillard...2 days later, Ed Pauquette was stranded...and again.. Billy came to the rescue. We may have to title him "Bill's Rescue Service". !!! Thanks Billy