Monday, July 14, 2008

Gandy Overpass in the News

The dreaded Gandy Overpass project again appeared in the local newspaper. The thirty-foot wide overpass will span the length of the Gandy Bridge and east on Gandy Blvd towards the Crosstown Expressway for the purpose of St Pete evacuation.

There will be an open meeting for the community to voice their concerns. The meeting will take place on July 29, 2008, between 7-9 pm, at the Jan Platt Library on Manhattan Ave.

All residents of Regency Cove should be present to show solidarity against the construction of this monstrous barrier outside our main entrance. We will print the address where snowbirds can write to express their concerns as well.

We must leave a clear message to FDOT and any politician who supports this project that we are against it!

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