Saturday, April 25, 2009

Disaster Recovery Meeting

I am really slipping! I was so preoccupied setting up the Disaster Recovery meeting this morning that I forgot to advertise my own event. Our speaker was Sheri Taylor, Disaster Management Director, United Way of Tampa Bay. She brought the 50 attendees through the Recovery Process which involves a myriad of social services and government agencies, assisting us in meals, water, clean-up efforts, and financial assistance.
We learned that the maximun FEMA payout is $28,800, and you better go through your insurance companies first, because FEMA traditionally denies claims. Watch out for full-replacement insurance, because there is a time limit in which you must complete your replacement purchases, ( 6 months )or forget it! Lots and lots of information was presented, and we will make sense of it as we prepare our Disaster Plan for Regency Cove.

We are a few people short of the FEMA training for community emergency first responders. Please watch for a sign-up sheet in the Info Room. We need 35 to get the training here.

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