Friday, May 1, 2009

Swine Flu Song

If you have been in the clubhouse in the last few days, I hope you have seen the posters we've put up to stop the spread of any disease here in the park. The posters were a download from CDC in Atlanta, reminding us to "COVER OUR COUGHS" and "WASH OUR HANDS". That seems to be the solution right now, recommended by our government officials.

Gees, my Ma taught me that before I went off to kindergarten. Just in case the years are wearing heavy on you and you may have forgotten, we ask you to cough into your sleeve, and not into your hand if you are in a social situation. Carry a tissue, and discard it after use. Don't leave your mess behind for someone else to pick up. And finally, if you get a fever, and you don't feel well, STAY HOME!!! Don't go to work! Don't go to Euchre! Don't go anywhere. Stay-the-hell Home! Call someone to give you a hand.

Only God knows where this epidemic is going.

Here's a cute Swine Flu Song from my buddy Bill. Hope it opens for you.

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