Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Freak Storm Today

This is the time of year for our usual afternoon "pop-up storms". Today's was a doozey!
At 2pm, I happened to be on my way downtown and saw the ominous black clouds over Hillsborough Bay, but everything looked fine to the west, towards Regency Cove. At 2:30 this afternoon, wind gusts were recorded at 50 m.p.h. by area weather stations. Downtown streets were difficult to cross, but it seems that all hell broke loose, for just a few minutes, in Regency Cove. Residents reported hearing a loud BANG, and TVs ( and all power) across the park darkened. Several power lines were down on Blvd 14 and 15. Power outtages were reported throughout the park. I heard from neighbors that the manager and maintenance supervisor were present on Blvd 15 to control the hazardous situation. Can you believe that a resident actually argued with them about their refusing to allow him to drive down the street, with hot power lines on the ground???

Other curious seawall pedestrians were walking between the houses to view the mayhem, practically walking under the compromised transformers and lines. PEOPLE!! What's wrong with you? Electricity KILLS you! How stupid can you be?
After TECO showed up, the power was slowly restored throughout most of the park in the late afternoon. The western end of the park was the hardest hit. The crews concentrated their efforts on those downed lines, behind and on top of the homes on Blvd 15, and as the sun was setting, I was able to snap a few pictures.

It wasn't until 10pm tonight that power was restored to Blvd 15, 14, and 13.

You gotta thank those guys, those heroes, who come out here in/after a storm, climb our poles, walk around our houses, and just put things back to normal. You gotta thank our manager and maintenance crew who came out here to make things safe for our residents, despite the ornery nature of some of our residents.
Its over now. Everything is fine, and I am again Living in Paradise. My computer is back online!
Life is good.

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