Friday, September 11, 2009

Photos of the 9/11 Ceremony

A nice crowd of patriotic residents showed up early this morning to honor the memory of the victims of the tragedy that occurred 8 years ago. Ron Herb led the Pledge of Allegiance and welcomed everyone. Father Bob's tribute told of the unification of the citizens of the United States, much like a family. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to the Police Dept. and Tampa Fire Rescue, along with platters of homemade cookies, to thank them for the care and concern that they show to the residents of Regency Cove. To conclude the ceremony, two buglers played a haunting rendition of Taps in echo, and there were moist eyes everywhere to be seen. Thanks to all who participated! More photos can be viewed in a photo album on the web page under the heading "Activities".


Anonymous said...

living in Paradise deserves another pat on the back.. She also spearheaded the redoing of Blvd.7.. also, our History Book. She has endless energy and ability.

saltydg said...

We are fortunate that our board/and park has such a spark plug