Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Surface for Common Areas

Ed Scobee and his maintenance crew have been sealing Sunset Point, the parking lot, and Pelican Point. Last night Ed was out there til dinnertime sealing the parking lot and Pelican.
Today Ed and Richard are finishing up with the parking lines. They have used 1100 gallons of seal coat for the project in these two areas alone.
Many other areas of the park have had repairs made, in anticipation of this coating. Ed estimates that they are saving the park around $30,000 by doing the work themselves. By tomorrow the parking lots will be open for use. Sometime after the holiday weekend the crew will begin sealing
the streets. Residents will be notified in advance when their block is being done. Do not park if barricades are set up. Every other block will be scheduled, so parking will be accessible.
Beautiful job, guys!

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