Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pot Luck August 16

Please sign up for our summertime true pot luck supper. No club is sponsoring it, so what you bring is what we eat. There is a sign-up sheet in the Information Room in the Friendship Club section. Please sign up so we have enough chairs set up. You can indicate on the sheet what you plan to bring: meat, veggie, salad, or dessert.

Twice before, Ed Bedore has shown his funny videos and it has always cracked the place up. He has a brand new batch for us this time.

Bring everything you need, silverware, plates, beverage. Don't forget a serving spoon for your shared dish. Coffee only will be provided, compliments of the Friendship Club. A few cleanup helpers would be nice too.

Doors open at 4:30, and we eat at 5:00.

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