Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Friendship Club Dinners Begin

The fall schedule for the Friendship Club's dinners and activities has been published on their website. See Linda Siddens for tickets and memberships.
link to

The Yacht Club's October luncheon tickets are also being sold. Check with Chuck Paramore.

Stuxnet Worm

There is no truth to the rumor that any Florida bloggers were responsible for creating the malicious computer worm that has targeted Iran's nuclear power plants, and computers throughout the middle East and Europe. Theories abound as to which sophisticated well-funded private agency or nation developed this unconventional weapon, but you can be sure it wasn't one of us. Unless the worm hits the security cameras....

Friday, September 24, 2010

Sealcoating Project Comes to an End

The final phase of the summer-long sealcoating project was completed, as the marine storage yard was emptied and coated. Thirty-seven vessels and trailers and one vehicle were carefully moved and stored overnight in various lots around the park. Marine committee chairman Ron Jeffries, other committee members, and the maintenance crew carefully relocated the vessels, keeping meticulous notes.
The entrance to the lot has been changed, providing easier ingress and egress from the yard. This morning, most everything is being replaced to its original location. A few minor parking changes were made, with the owners' consent. Another job well done.

2010 Hurricane and Health Conference

The conference materials have been published from the 2010 Hurricane and Healthcare Conference that took place in June of this year. This annual event, the Continuing Education Conference, was sponsored by the Hurricanes and Healthcare Coalition of Hillsborough and Pinellas Counties and St Petersburg College. The powerpoint presentations that were presented at the conference can be viewed at the site listed below.

From this site, you can also view an amazing 10 minute video which depicts a ficticious October hurricane named Phoenix, which devastates the greater Tampa Bay area, destroying or damaging over 650,000 homes. The Gandy Bridge and the Howard Franklin are destroyed, hindering rescue operations. It is a powerful presentation.

Click on link:

Additional information is available at

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fallout from Sept 14 Board Meeting

After hearing on September 14 at the board meeting that our president has been watching us on the eight surveillance cameras located around the park (before the residents were notified of their exact locations), I sent an email to attorney Scott E. Gordon. Scott is a partner in the Sarasota FL office of Lutz, Bobo, Telfair, Eastman, Gabel & Lee, a firm that is known for its representation of owners and operators of manufactured housing communities throughout Florida. Scott has worked with resident-owned communities (ROCs) for well over a decade and devotes a substantial portion of his law practice helping ROC managers and directors deal with a vast variety of legal issues.
Scott decided to post much of my email on his legal blog. Several comments have come in from other people. You might be interested to read those comments.

A policy for the cameras needs to be established, quickly, to determine who is entitled to view these recordings. In my opinion, either everyone has the right to view them in real time, or no one but the manager, during office hours, can observe them in real time. No passwords will be issued.

There are too many items not being discussed by the board in front of the membership: changes to the R&Rs, installation of cameras in common areas other than the gates, parking issues, and even use of the marine storage lot. Just who is running this place? We voted 9 people onto that board, and we expect 9 people to make every decision.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Women and Weight

With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information and wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies.

So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured, educated and happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, “Good grief, look how smart I am!”

Women and Weight
Must be where “Smart Ass” came from!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

World War Veterans

I feel we should honor our world war veterans (Male and Female) in some way, before they're all gone. I know, not mentioning any names, that we have a resident in our park that was a prisoner of war in Germany in World War 2. Another was a P38 pilot who shot down 3 Japanese Zeros. Another 94 year old has many stories. I am sure we have other stories from World War 2, The Korean and Vietnam War. Unfortunately, many of our heroes have left us already. Please contact me and we will attempt to record these feats. It would be great to have some kind of presentation on Veterans Day Thursday, Nov. 11. Ed Bedore 839-6776 . Lets make this a great day for Homes of Regency Cove. Thanks.

Final Potluck of 2010

The Friendship Club Dinners will begin next month on October 18, with a smashing Italian feast of spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, dessert, and coffee. Tickets are already on sale. See Linda Siddens. Yacht Club luncheons and dances also begin in October.

However, tonight, we celebrated one of the time honored traditions of Regency Cove... the true potluck supper, the last of the season. Everyone is invited! Resident Peggy Saccente really pushed to organize these last two summer potlucks. Tonight the food was incredible! Lots and lots of southern fried chicken, a deep platter of baked ham, sloppy joes and buns, casseroles, salads, vegetables, and my-oh-my the desserts! No one left hungry!
The entertainment had the crowd howling. What a great evening with a great bunch of folks!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the planning, Jessie and Terry for setting up, Chuck Paramore (Yacht Club) for tablecloths, and Mary Willsey (Friendship Club) for coffee, cups, and other supplies. Thanks also to those who wiped tables, hauled trash, and all the residents who brought such generous portions to the table so everyone had plenty to eat.

We celebrated a very special 87th (?) birthday of Regency Cove icon Helen Walker tonight. Robby Roberts accompanied the birthday singing with his harmonica. What a great evening, what a great place to live.

I wonder who was watching us on the camera tonight.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Board Meeting Sept 14

All motorcycle club kidding aside, there was some important business conducted at the board meeting the other day. Here is my spin on it.

Mr. President's opening statements included the following, "Everything is now stabilized, and changes will begin go into effect". Good Lord! We thought all the changes were done! It's discouraging to hear, essentially, that we ain't seen nothing yet. Mr. President elaborated little and moved on rather quickly. I dread to think what else he has in mind for us.

A new pedestrian gate code has been assigned. Residents must get the code from the Office, and in doing so, sign an agreement to keep the code private.

Funds to initiate a local foreclosure were unanimously agreed upon. The accounting firm that conducts our annual audit was unanimously agreed by the Board to continue for 2010.

The Board finally agreed to put power into the Marine Storage Yard for the group of boat owners who pay an annual fee of $500. They will now be able to charge their batteries without bothering the kind resident at Parkway 7 to subsidize this effort.

One of the most contentious items on the agenda concerned the new parking restrictions. One resident feels he deserves a designated spot on the common grounds for his truck. Much discussion followed, and many people in the audience appeared to be much against designated spots, and well as controlled parking in general. Again it was brought up that the rules are being grossly amended while the majority of our membership is away up North. More than 15 residents were assigned continuous parking permits by name and location.

The outsourcing of our financial books to a new accountant was voted upon in preparation for the new TOPS program will be be passed in October. The monthly fee for the program is $800 a month, with extra fees for set up and coupons. Monthly coupons for maintenance payments should be going into effect in January 2011 when all residents will receive the coupon payment books. No more checks will be written to our office at that time. Confused? I'm sure everything will be explained later.

Security cameras have been set up around the park. Without going into detail, the 2010 Hillsborough County Neighborhoods Grant, submitted by Chet Hindman, paid for the eight cameras, with very little cost to the community. We learned that our president in Canada has already been privately viewing residents' actions in the park, via the internet. While some expressed indignation to learn that they are already under surveillance, other residents in the audience expressed the desire to also have access to this feature, which could be accessed with a password. Several board members did not want this discussion to continue much further.

New Rules were recently distributed to all association members. Several rules in the packet were never publicly discussed or allowed shareholders' discussion in a public forum. No response was given to the question "Are motorcycles now allowed to be driven through the park?" Why was no response given?

A new stove was unanimously approved for the kitchen at a cost no more than $3,000. Later on, a kitchen renovation will happen. The same committee who studies our pipes and street conditions has been assigned the task of coordinating kitchen improvements. Maybe that can be rethought.

Next board meeting is October 20 at 2:00.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A New Club

Later this week, applications will be available for membership to the new HOG CLUB of Regency Cove.

Since the board meeting yesterday when directly asked if motorcycles are now allowed to be driven in the park since old rule #5 was removed, the residing officer refused to answer the question, and decided to move on to another topic.

We know that we can't park them in our carports overnight, because our new R&Rs says so. During the day, while we are napping, our bikes can sit out on the street in front of our homes. After our drive through the park, (no need to fight all that traffic on Tampa's streets) we will park them in my spare home, now turned motorcycle parking garage.

I'll make sure that meetings won't conflict with the womens' exercise and bible study groups, giving you all a chance to join the fun!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Food For Thought

Resident Bob Simmons sent this over and requested that I post it. Here goes:

"In Germany first they came for the communists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then, they came for the Jews and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me - and by that time no one was left to speak up. " Pastor Martin Niemoller (victim of Nazis)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Board Meeting Tuesday

There will be a slight change this month with the board meeting. The Board of Directors will meet this Tuesday, September 14, for the monthly meeting so that all board members can participate. The meeting will be held at 2:00 in the clubhouse. Hope to see many of the residents there.

For Registered Voters

Candidate Forum

Tuesday, September 21st from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm
St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, 4311 W. San Miguel St.
(near corner of Henderson & Manhattan)

Sponsored jointly by the following neighborhood associations which represent over 20,000 residents:

Sunset Park ● Virginia Park ● Culbreath Bayou
Gandy/Sun Bay South ● Palm Ceia ● Culbreath Heights
Palma Ceia West ● Bayside West ● Swann Estates ● Ballast Point
Come to this forum and meet the candidates in our district for the Florida Legislature and Hillsborough County Commission as well as countywide candidates for the County Commission.

This event will likely be your only opportunity to meet and talk with these candidates before the election!

Come and listen to their views, ask questions and decide for yourself. Be prepared!

Jerry Frankhouser, President
Bayside West Neighborhood Association

Friday, September 10, 2010

September 11, 2010

There will be no public observance of the 9/11 ninth anniversary in Regency Cove. Perhaps next year. If you feel you want to do something, see below.

Taken directly from

Saturday, Sep 11 8:00a to 2:00p

at THE HEIGHTS-WATERFRONT on the Hillsborough River
1910 N. Ola Ave.
Tampa FL 33602

Price: FREE
Phone: (813) 380-1909




Wednesday, September 8, 2010

True Potluck Sept 20

We were pleasantly surprised with the turnout last month at the August potluck. The food was plentiful and delicious. There were even a few pieces of baked ham and roast beef left over, to prove that everyone had plenty to eat. The entertainment, Ed Bedore's novelties, was quite a hit.
Due to the response of the group, the true potluck will be repeated on Sept 20. Please be as generous with your food. Don't forget to bring serving spoons and all your utensils and drinks.
Terry Fator, Live from Las Vegas, with his entourage of puppets, will be the featured entertainment after dinner. Terry was the finalist in America's Got Talent a few years ago. When we previewed this program on a Sunday afternoon in August, everyone present was delighted.
Please sign up in the Information Room, to insure that there is enough chairs. Please indicate what you plan to bring, so there will be a generous variety available. See you there.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor day Weekend

A very quiet holiday weekend has passed. Several soft rainfalls have come and gone, without the horrible displays of lightening and thunder. My goodness this place is quiet.

For anyone who cares ... the seagrass is doing its annual lifecycle thing. Its just now beginning to gather up on our western wall. Pretty soon, anyone walking by will wonder what that horrible smell is. Shucks, its the circle of life. Hakuna Matada.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

August 2010 Revised R&Rs

Today and tomorrow, a skeletal staff of block captains and alternates will be distributing to local residents the newest version of the park’s Rules and Regulations (R&Rs). (Hopefully our board members who are not spending their lives weeding, have offered to assist in this endeavor).
Other residents will soon be receiving their copies via US mail. Please read the rules carefully, certain sections have changed significantly. Specific changes are not designated on this new version.

A new rule #8 has been added to the section Home Site. Kayaks and canoes are no longer required to be hung from carport roofs. Five new stipulations have been added to storing these vessels on carports, none of which includes hanging them from the roof. Be advised that vessels must be secured (tied down) from high winds, and kayak and canoe owners cannot maintain cluttered or messy appearances on their grounds. Exactly who is the judge of “messy appearance” has not been determined in writing.

The most significant changes to the new version of our R&Rs occur in the Vehicles and Parking section. Based upon the March 2010 R&Rs, revision, modifications and/or additions have now been made to the new rules 1,2,4,5,6,7,8, and 12. (There may be more that I’ve missed. ) Read these carefully, because these rules go into effect as you read them today.

One rather curious or suspicious omission from this section is the old rule #5. The president did not mention this in his cover letter. The old rule, now missing, refers to the mandatory parking of motorcycles in the front of the park. Am I to assume that motorcycles are now allowed to run freely through our park?

I can guarantee you that there will be a majority of irate residents if this rule has intentionally been deleted. I have no recollection of this being approved by the board at a noticed meeting. Would someone please tell us that this is an error!!!

A new section called Marine Disaster Plan (Sept 2008) appears in the packet. Two Marine Committee members are referenced in rule #2, regarding attaching spring lines. Since Sept 2008, both of the mentioned committeemen have slowed down due to ailments. Perhaps it should have been referenced more generally that boat owners should contact the Marine Committee for assistance.

Just a Note:
Up until this year, a committee has been designated by the board to rewrite rule changes, and Rule Committee meetings were posted and open to all residents, and the committee itself was comprised of many residents. Lots of dialog occurred at these meetings. Whatever happened to this wonderful concept? Residents are more apt to buy into rule changes if they participate in the process. Fewer errors occur when many eyes review the proposed changes. Did our board have the opportunity to proofread these changes before they were published? Would someone please explain to me what the city of Tampa Bylaws are? (as referenced in Vehicles #13) There is no such document! In Tampa we have codes and ordinances. Can we please keep Canadian vernacular out of our documents? (See Wikipedia… topic “bylaws”)

Wonderful neighbors: Please sign the back page of the rules packet and return it to the Office. The Board is diligently working to make positive changes that reflect the general consensus. As Mr. McCumber put it, the new R&Rs "maximize the use of common areas for the benefit of the majority of residents in the park." Nicely worded, Mr. President. The park manager can now enforce rules that previously have been vague. Like it or not, this is a good thing for Regency Cove.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Say YES to Amendment 4

A small group gathered at Whole Foods tonight and heard the pros and cons of the proposed Amendment 4 which will be statewide on the November ballot. Florida Hometown Democracy is the non-partisan grassroots group carrying the word around the state, because quite frankly, they have no funding to compete with the powers who oppose this amendment.

In a nutshell, Amendment 4 gives voters a chance to veto or approve changes of comprehensive land use. This has nothing to do with schools, libraries, water districts, or any other item. If a developer attempts to change the current county land use plan, anywhere in the state of Florida, the taxpayers will be allowed to vote on that change. If an area is currently zoned residential, there will be no changes allowing for another WalMart to be built there, without the approval of the taxpayers at the next election. No 1500 home developments will be quietly built in zoned agriculture areas, without the taxpayers' approval.

Currently, our politicians are making those decisions for us. There have been some questionable decisions made by our elected officials allowing for changes to the growth plan. Growth doesn’t pay for itself. Despite impact fees paid by developers, the burden of current development and growth has been on the shoulders of the taxpayers. While losing green spaces and wetlands to new construction, and suffering through increased traffic, the taxpayers shoulder the burden of water, sewer, garbage, school, and library expenses.

What do the taxpayers benefit from the land use changes? Usually, nothing. How do the politicians benefit? Simply put, they receive campaign contributions from the rich and powerful land developers. The figures quoted tonight at this presentation said that 35% of John Dingfelder’s campaign chest came from land use interests. The percentages went even higher with some county level officials. Another statistic presented tonight said that 92% of all amendments were approved by our elected officials. And 60% of the amendments were initiated by developers.

There is no reason to think that we will be curtailing all growth in Hillsborough County or the state. The current land use plan allows for an additional 35,000 new dwellings in our county within the next decade or less. Over the state, 100 million new dwellings are anticipated. Is there any reason on Earth for developers to increase those numbers? I don’t think so.

Very soon the air waves will be filled with ads promoting the defeat of the bill. The developers have lots of cash to pay for the ads. Facts may be distorted.

The Sierra Club is promoting this amendment. We should as well. In November, vote YES on Amendment 4. Spread the word.