Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Final Potluck of 2010

The Friendship Club Dinners will begin next month on October 18, with a smashing Italian feast of spaghetti and meatballs, salad, garlic bread, dessert, and coffee. Tickets are already on sale. See Linda Siddens. Yacht Club luncheons and dances also begin in October.

However, tonight, we celebrated one of the time honored traditions of Regency Cove... the true potluck supper, the last of the season. Everyone is invited! Resident Peggy Saccente really pushed to organize these last two summer potlucks. Tonight the food was incredible! Lots and lots of southern fried chicken, a deep platter of baked ham, sloppy joes and buns, casseroles, salads, vegetables, and my-oh-my the desserts! No one left hungry!
The entertainment had the crowd howling. What a great evening with a great bunch of folks!

Thanks to everyone who contributed to the planning, Jessie and Terry for setting up, Chuck Paramore (Yacht Club) for tablecloths, and Mary Willsey (Friendship Club) for coffee, cups, and other supplies. Thanks also to those who wiped tables, hauled trash, and all the residents who brought such generous portions to the table so everyone had plenty to eat.

We celebrated a very special 87th (?) birthday of Regency Cove icon Helen Walker tonight. Robby Roberts accompanied the birthday singing with his harmonica. What a great evening, what a great place to live.

I wonder who was watching us on the camera tonight.

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