Saturday, January 22, 2011

Board Meeting 1-19-11

A friend asked why I hadn't put the board minutes on the blog yet. I'm busy!
Here's a very short synopsis:
Past treasurer feels that too much cash is sitting in operating fund, and should be in an accout getting interest.

Two apartments will be empty at the end of the month. Rents will be adjusted.

Someone wants to bring two dogs into the park, blaming a mail snafu four years ago. Unanimous NO!

Owners are renting units without following procedure. Manager must then follow-up on strange people in the park.

There's a problem with the pool. No, not the pool, but the people in charge of it. Sounds like they need to do a little sit-down.

Contact any board member in an emergency.

A motion was approved to have all video equiptment set up in the back of the room.

A resident proposed a kayak rack at the end of Pelican Point near the ramp. It was stated that our property line is the fence. So whose property is the ramp on? The rack will cost $350 to build.

There was a pile of brush left on an empty lot over the Christmas holiday to which residents added their own, creating an unsightly mess. If a permanent out-of-sight location could be found for a brush holding area, the association could conceivably save quite a bit on trash removal. The dumping fee is $51 a ton for brush, and $71 a ton for trash. A committee was approved to study this issue.

Why doesn't anyone listen when I complain? Put your complaints in writing and sign them. Or shut up.

Now that payroll is outsourced, the Treasurer will now approve and sign employee paychecks.

A motion was made and approved that two signatures are required on all checks written to cover Reserve expenses.

Nice meeting. It moved along.

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