Saturday, February 12, 2011

Just Checking In

No, I am not off on vacation, just very busy and very late updating the Whisperings...

Thanks to all the volunteers who contributed to the success of the 2011 Regency Cove Gasparilla celebration. The committee, the cooks, Cheryl and the decorating group, the band at Sunset Point, the breakfast table servers and cooks, and all the ticket sellers and ticket takers.... THANK YOU!  Because there is no official club sponsoring Gasparilla, we rely on the resources of our club leaders...Chuck and Karen Paramore from the Yacht Club, Harry  Margolis and Ron Jeffries from Shuffleboard, and Alice Disharoon from the Friendship club... we can't thank you enough for all you've contributed.

The weather certainly didn't dampen the spirits of the flotilla, golf carts, and the bicycle.

Mike Ross did a fantastic job chairing the event this year.He also maintained the books, serving again as Treasurer, watching every penny coming in and going out. He shopped with the cooks, and did an awful lot of last minute shopping and running around. The event turned a profit this year!!  Roger Des Rosiers acquired two $25 Sweetbay gift certificates, and Ed Bedore donated a top of the line salt water fishing pole and reel to our raffle drawing. New pennants will be purchased to replace the weather-beaten ones gracing our boulevards, and there is even the prospect of a donation to the community kitchen. Last year Gasparilla purchased a $90+ industrial can opener to help the fantastic guys in the kitchen.

It was SOOO rewarding to see so many residents dressing up, decorating carts, and coming out to the Point. Chuck Davis was responsible for the Flotilla, and also the band playing at the Point. Thanks to everyone who helped to clean up at the end of the night. It was a very long day for the committee. From the general consensus, it was a GREAT party.

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