Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Final Friendship Club Dinner - 2010 Season

It was great to see more than 100 residents at tonight's final dinner of the season. Alice Disharoon has done a fantastic job in her beginning months as the 2011-2012 Friendship Club President. The dinners have been well-organized, and beautifully decorated. The entertainment has been wonderful, especially that circus guy on the unicycle a couple months ago. I don't think this park has laughed like that for years.
The block committees are working, so far, to host the parties. If the blocks don't volunteer, they say the dinners won't happen. We all need to take an active part in our community.

God bless our cooks! Tonight Joe, Matt, Chuck, Wes, and Tony S. prepared the salad, chicken and vegetables. Karen P went into the kitchen to help serve. What an unbelievably devoted group they are!

The entertainment tonight was great. One little thought, however. Both entertainers did sing well, however, so did our participants. I just wish the DJ would have stopped his singing once in awhile to let the crowd hear itself. I love hearing our sing-alongs. I hope they never stop.

Thank you Alice and her Board for their work and planning. Thanks for  voting to provide supplies for more improvemenets to the hall this summer.

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