Monday, May 2, 2011

Regency Cove Responds to Georgetown

The development next to us (Georgetown) is asking to be Grandfathered in for 6319 trips per day for a large development. They were granted this when they first went thru the permitting process. Our petition asks for a Traffic Study per the new Ordinance adopted March 17, 2011.

Bayside East Association, Regency Cove residents and surrounding neighborhood feel this will get us to the table to talk to the developer and at his expense put in Right and Left Turn lanes plus a signal at Fair Oaks which will be their main entrance to help with the traffic at our back gate during the two rush hours of the day.
Please Sign the Petition, Print your name, Date, and give your address. Please Fax to our office at (813) 839-5442. (All who reside in your home at Regency Cove can sign the Petition).
You can also attach the petition to an email and send to or Email Dennis for a copy of the petition.

You can also mail it to the office: We have to have all the petitions returned by May 11, 2011 to hand deliver them to the zoning administrator on May 12, 2011. If you need further information please contact Dennis at Or, Cheri at the office.
We are holding a Town Hall Meeting at Goodwin Hall, 7pm, Thursday, May 5, 2011. All residents are invited.
Thank You,

Dennis W. Kralick

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