Sunday, June 26, 2011

saving water

We all have heat pumps, or air conditioners. They all expel water each day, and in most cases, it just drips in one place on your lot. I get 5 gallons of water EVERY day, which goes into a 5 gallon pail, which I then distribute to my plants. Can you imagine the water and money our park would save if we all did this ? Give it a try. Thanks....Salty Dog

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Town Hall a Success

A town hall meeting was held on June 25th at Goodwin Hall at 10am.The meeting was opened by Ron Herb and conducted by Dennis Kralick, acting president.  There were 60 people in attendance. 

The meeting was called to suggest the forming of a committee to act as liaison between the shareholders and the board.  Volunteers were requested.  Dennis gave a report on the recent Disaster Meeting held June 23. There will be a block captain and an alternate assigned to each street in the park.  A July 4th picnic will be held at 4pm, at Junglelandia.  Use the sign up sheet in Info room.  A potluck and hotdogs and hamburgers will be furnished.  Everyone brings a covered dish. 

The parking problems, the pool repair, the front gate call box were all discussed and will be put on the agenda for a future board meeting.  Judy Webb is no longer the editor of the Outlook.  No explanation or replacement was discussed. 

The next board meeting will be July 20th town hall meeting Aug. 20, 2011 at 10am.  Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Town Hall Meeting Saturday

There will be a Town Hall Meeting on Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 10:00 am. The purpose of the meeting is to establish a committee as a permanent liaison committee between the shareholders and the Board of Directors. The Board has been invited to attend.

All our encouraged to attend as every voice is important.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A New Board Member for Regency Cove

A park majority conscensus has been been publicized, and a board member has resigned. The Board of Directors now has the responsibility to fill the vacancy. Here are a few thoughts that I would like to share with you board members. I encourage other residents to add your ideas:

1. No personal agendas are welcome. At Candidates' Night in March 2011, several of you spoke of representing the residents. ( Elaine, are you listening?) Well, the residents have spoken, and now its time for the BOD to reconfigure their policies and loyalties of the last few weeks/months to finally represent the residents in choosing a new board member. It was unbelievable to hear that after the recall results were announced, and the  board president resigned, that one board member called out and refused to accept the resignation of the president. One question for that board member: Do you, in any way, understand the meaning of representing the majority of the residents of Regency Cove? Apparently not. Who needs you?

It wasn't that long ago that a president changed our hot tub rule because his visitng grandson couldn't get into the tub. I fought that while I served on the board and I continue to disagree with allowing children into our hot tub because it is a therapeutic device, and not a recreational toy. Get off your fat ass and take the kids to Busch Gardens or Lowery Zoo, for cripe sake.
Board members, remember who put you where you are. Start listening to your neighbors, and get off your high horse, because horses aren't allowed in Regency Cove. Motorcycles, on the other hand, are. BOD, you dropped the ball on that rule, and many of us are mad as hell. A year has passed and not one single one of you has has bothered to re-initiate the No Motorcycle  Rule in the park. Who are you listening to?

Next: the Board of Directors, or the officers of the BOD must stop doing favors for their friends. This is one of those "touchy areas" that our board has refused to publicly address. A request was recently submitted to the board via the approved office form, regarding the kayak ramp on Pelican Point.
Someone chose to eliminate the topic from the agenda. This is the president's job. Why wasn't this discussed at the last board meeting? The residents of Pelican Point have requested attention to their needs. Betty Ridge and our Board has overlooked their requests.
What a shame to Regency Cove!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Killing the Messenger

I received an email this morning that I'd like to share.


Why don't you just stay up at the Lake and leave this Park and the people alone. What is wrong with you that you keep using that Blog to start problems with statements that are just untrue. Let it go and consider staying up north forever and maybe things will get better here in our community with you out of the picture.

Please try to get your heart in the right place for right now you feel powerful but maybe not in the eyes of our Lord.
"God is Love"

Betty Ridge

I find it amusing that I am the focus of your contempt. I merely report both sides of the issues, and folks can draw their own conclusions. This blog has lasted for three presidents, and it will last for at least one more. Like it or not, this is called COMMUNICATION. Why doesn't the Board have its own blog?

I served on the Board for three years, introduced the board to some wonderful educational opportunities (ROC Forum, the Master Gardener program, Hillsborough County mini-grants, to name a few). I wasn't the best board member the park ever had, but I wasn't the worst either. I served my community, and accomplished some nice projects. My heart is and always has been, in the right place... making positive contributions to my neighborhood.

While working on my projects, I worked alongside our employees, and always treated them with respect. They've always done the same for me. I never poked my nose into personnel files, because the Board isn't supposed to do that. I never promoted firing anyone.

Now as to me staying up here at the lake, it ain't gonna happen. What an unkind thing for you to suggest. I hope your bitterness leaves you soon. Maybe God will, after all, place His Love inside you.

Please heal.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Recall Results

During the board meeting this morning, a process server arrived and delivered a package to the table where the board members were sitting. Although several board members showed an interest in it, nothing was said about it during the meeting. After the meeting someone asked what the package was, and Dennis Kralick announced that it was the results of the recall ballots:  31 were against the recall and 222 were in favor of the recall.

Our president asked for the floor, made a few comments, and then resigned.
The residents of the park have made their opinions very clear. The majority has spoken.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Funeral Notice


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Citizens Requires Roof Inspections

Late last winter at the monthly ROC Forum meetings (educational seminars for residents and board members of resident owned co-ops), we learned that Citizens' Insurance had begun a new policy to require roof  inspections of mobile homes before the insurance would be carried for another year. Those first residents were very confused, as were the companies doing the mandatory inspections. Things have improved.

Several residents in our park have recently been required to submit inspection photos and reports to Citizens. If you have had AMS for any major roof repair or replacement, call them back, and you will probably get a good deal on the inspection. Another major inspection company that has long done business in Regency Cove, Diamond Home Inspections, has agreed to a reduced rate of $50 for the inspection... Citizen's form included. Call their Hillsborough number 813-229-0603.

Don't be talked into spending big bucks on this inspection. Its just a formality, and a few more bucks coming out of your wallet.

Friday, June 3, 2011

No News is **** News?!

Things have been relatively quiet in the park. Ballots continue to return to the attorneys' office. We've heard that some Canadian ballots were just delivered a few days ago, so returns will be slow. A few people have reported that they never received their ballots. These things will be corrected.

I admit, this blog has been deadly quiet for well  over a week. Reason One: There is no news to report. Reason Two: My cancer surgery last week knocked me right on my ass. Eat, Sleep, Recover.... PERIOD.

I occasionally viewed blog comments while under the spell of strong pain medication. (Too bad for you, Nasty People.)
Comments that come in attacking me were deleted on-the spot because this is MY BLOG, and I have the power to do so. There is no freedom of speech on my blog. If you don't like what I write, shut up already, don't visit here. I have tried to present both sides of the arguments presented. I posted all comments until they became so malicious and personal, I chose to delete them.

I haven't been out of the house very much since my surgery last week. I spent some time with our Maintenance Supervisor this afternoon trying to order new swings and hardware for our pavillion, to use up the grant money. When I walked to my car, I was quite literally accosted by one of Betty's Goons. "Why are you spreading LIES on your blog?"  To tell you the truth, I told him, I am so sick of the word "lies". Both sides of this squabble are throwing around "LIES" that its hard to determine what is real anymore.

We discussed--- no, I listened to this man's version of driving his car out to the Pelican Point. Apparently my sources LIED about what happened out there that night. Did he blow his horn? Did he shout to the folks at Sunset Point? I don't know. Do I give a damn? Hell No! I printed both versions... y'all can make up your own minds.  ( Chuck: WTF ?? Was your car out on Pelican Point or wasn't it? Everyone else in this Park knows the rules... what's wrong with you? The Pope could've been out there with you, I don't give a flying fig. YOU WERE WRONG!!) Shut up about everything else.. Bro, you are WRONG!  If I was Betty I'd tell ya, " Hey Chuck, please don't do me any "favors". Go home, put some blankets over your head and shut the hell up."

This isn't important. This is not an issue that we need to spend any time on. Our issue is the recall of the president of this park who has chosen to overstep her position as board president, and begin making decisions that our manager should be making.  Our president has been involving herself in too many day to day decisions of park. Its perfectly OK for the park Manager to go around and make decisions.That's why we hired her. The Board president, by our By-Laws, is the mouth of the Board of Directors. Our Board president has no authority to go around and make decisions on her own. We need a whole meeting to catch-up on Betty's recent decisions around the park.
 Let's get this over with now. Folks, Mark the X in front of the Recall, sign your name, date it, and mail it to the attorney... NOW!