Saturday, June 25, 2011

Town Hall a Success

A town hall meeting was held on June 25th at Goodwin Hall at 10am.The meeting was opened by Ron Herb and conducted by Dennis Kralick, acting president.  There were 60 people in attendance. 

The meeting was called to suggest the forming of a committee to act as liaison between the shareholders and the board.  Volunteers were requested.  Dennis gave a report on the recent Disaster Meeting held June 23. There will be a block captain and an alternate assigned to each street in the park.  A July 4th picnic will be held at 4pm, at Junglelandia.  Use the sign up sheet in Info room.  A potluck and hotdogs and hamburgers will be furnished.  Everyone brings a covered dish. 

The parking problems, the pool repair, the front gate call box were all discussed and will be put on the agenda for a future board meeting.  Judy Webb is no longer the editor of the Outlook.  No explanation or replacement was discussed. 

The next board meeting will be July 20th town hall meeting Aug. 20, 2011 at 10am.  Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.


Living in Paradise said...

Thanks to my 3 reporters for your diligence. You did a great job.

Pat Hecker said...

I feel it necessary to mention that Ron Herb opened and facilitated the meeting. Dennis Kralick was invited as a Board Member to participate. He did not "conduct" the meeting but rather participated as a liaison. The meeting was called in order to begin a dialog between shareholders and the Board and it was highly successful with many great suggestions from Board Members and Shareholders alike. Also, it was decided to wait until our friends return from up North before asking for volunteers to facilitate these meetings. When Dennis announced the resignation of Judy Webb he also asked for volunteers with some experience to contact him. On a minor note, the hot dogs and hamburgers will be paid for by a 50-50 as there was no allocation in the budget. Donations will also be accepted. Participants will bring assorted dishes which they can note on the sign up sheet.