Saturday, July 9, 2011

Father Bob Goodwin Leaves Regency Cove

Father Bob Goodwin is retiring from service. St. Patrick's Church honors this icon tomorrow after the 11:00 am Mass. The send-off is scheduled from 12:00 to 3:00pm in the school hall tomorrow. Thanks to Joe Marchitto for this information.
Father Bob Goodwin, a  Regency Cove resident for 21 years,  has sold his home and is moving to his diocese in Manchester, New Hampshire. I spoke with him tonight, and he is looking forward to the care he needs at this time in life.
I regret that I can't be there to give a final hug to the man who was my next door neighbor. Father Bob was a primary player in the history of Regency Cove.  He served on the  Regency Cove Board of Directors for more than a decade in various positions. For years he  performed in our Talent Shows. Father Bob is by all means, a legend in Regency Cove.
I hope that our community chooses to honor this wonderful legend before he disappears in the beginning of August.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm wondering if this is the same Father Goodwin who was our priest in New London, NH at Our Lady of Fatima. If so, I'm so glad he's had 21 good years since leaving for Florida. We moved from NH 17 years ago & haven't forgotten this caring, intellectual man. May God always smile upon him.