Saturday, August 20, 2011

Town Hall Meeting 8/20/11 10am

The recorded meeting was opened with a prayer by Ron Herb. Dennis Kralick then presided over the meeting of 4 board members and 60 residents. The unsightly mess at Georgetown will be addressed. Over 1/2 hour was covered on Parking, and suggestions will be referred to the Board. We will not replace the loss of one of our maintenance men. The West Shore gate will be open from 7am-3pm while waiting for parts to repair.

Interested parties wishing to be a board member were requested to submit their resumes, as it it will be discussed at next meeting on Sept.17. Outlook will be outsourced at NO CHARGE to the shareholder. To submit an article, email it to Patti Fennessy.

Dawn, our manager is now permanent, which met with a large response of applause. Our new hall renovation is absolutely beautiful, and cost was donated by the Friendship Club. Pats on the back were given to Sandy Ross and her committees re: almost $8000.00 obtained in grants. The new park benches and swings being finished now.

The meeting was run extremely well by Ron Herb and Dennis Kralick.Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

Thanks Ed for a job well done!