Monday, July 16, 2007

How's the Weather? July 16, 2007

Early in the morning of July 16, the prevailing winds took a decided change, and the morning temps were a few degrees cooler than the past 7-10 days. The official low temp today was 78, after almost 2 weeks of lows in the 80s, and the highs around 92-94 (depending on the source).

The TV news predicted early this morning that a late afternoon thunderstorm would finally douse the Tampa Bay area, rather than travel inland as usual, leaving us high and dry. Late afternoon today, clouds gathered out in the Gulf, but the ones from the south, black and threatening, dumped an inch of rain with lots of lightening, during the dinner hour. The official rainfall on one nearby internet location claimed .8" rainfall. Our rain gauge stuck in the front lawn measured 1".

All I know is that my 55 gallon drum rain barrel is now full to capacity, and I am ready to irrigate!! HOO HA! Let's hear it for the barrels!

1 comment:

Living in Paradise said...

I have been corrested! The rainfall was over 2 inches... a crack was discovered in our rain gauge.