Thursday, July 26, 2007

Summer Bunch Picnic Aug 4

The Summer Bunch meets again!

Mission: Everyone Bring a Joke! You will be asked to participate!

The June party was so successful, that they have decided to do it again in August. We will meet at Sunset Point at 6:30 pm on August 4. (Rain schedule will be in the Hall). The free meal provided will be Sloppy Joes, just bring some additional snacks, and your drinks. This will be fingerfood, so no silverware will be provided. ( It wouldn't hurt to bring some forks, because someone is bound to bring a salad.) No reservations are required.

The Regency Cove Ramblers will play for awhile, but they also want to relax and enjoy the night. Dancing music will be provided.

Come out and join the fun.

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