Monday, August 27, 2007

Applications for Fine Review Committee

Applications are being accepted for consideration to the Fine Review Committee, which is in the process of forming. The following may be the considerations for candidacy:
  • a resident of Regency Cove for more than 1 year
  • professional experience in the area of Real Estate, housing development, professionally managed homeowners associations, or members of former governing boards
  • previous HORC board members, or persons who have served as an officer of any club in Regency Cove
  • no relative (husband, wife, brother, sister, or child) of any current board member
  • no reported violations of bylaws or rules and regulations for 5 years
  • maintain a quality of character which demonstrates fairness, and good judgement.

Send your resume to the Office.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Finally, after all these years this is getting accomplished. We are moving in the right direction. Hopefully, no one will let it go to the penalty area, but if it does, it will be enforced, so be prepared.