Monday, February 11, 2008

February Potluck

FEBRUARY 18, 2008 AT 5:30 PM SHARP

An Old Fashioned Love Song is the theme of the 2008 celebration of the 50th anniversaries in the park.There has been a change and all food will be provided by our wonderful cooks: 1/4 rotisseried chicken, parsley potatoes, green beans,and a dinner roll with dessert.

Guests will pay $5.00 to enjoy this wonderful meal with entertainment. Please pay your 2008 membership to Carole Hindman before or at the potluck. All others, please wear your 2008 badges.
Our hosts are Blvds 5-7-and 11, with co-chairs Shirley Zyks and Jane Mahoney.

Bring your drinks and glasses, but coffee will be provided. The sign-up sheet will be gone on Feb 14 or when we run out of seats. Sign up today!!!

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