Monday, August 18, 2008

Fay Update

The current hurricane watch extends up to the Tampa Bay area. Tornado watches are in effect in many areas to the south. Strong winds are expected here before the afternoon is over on Tuesday afternoon.
It is time to clean your carport and porches of any debris. Statuary on your lawns must be brought inside. All chairs, tables and flower pots need to brought inside. We don't need any unnecessary damage caused by thoughtless residents.
If you need assistance with your storm shutters, our maintenance men will spend a little overtime and help you. ( They are on their own time... a tip is strongly suggested.) Call the office as soon as possible if you need help.
There will be lounge chairs and drinking water available in the hall during the storm. In case of a power failure, we do have a generator to keep the hall lighted. Keep in mind however, our clubhouse is NOT an approved shelter.

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