Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Chiselers' Market 2009

9:00 AM TO 3:00 PM
University of Tampa
401 West Kennedy, Tampa, FL 33606


Plants and Flowers * Jewelry * Kitchenware *
Books and Art * Electrical Items and Tools * Toys *
China, Crystal and Silver * Collectibles * Designer Clothing * Furniture *


Sandwiches (including Pimento Cheese), Hot Dogs, Drinks and Desserts

All proceeds will be used for the restoration of the 1891 Tampa Bay Hotel
(The Chiselers, Inc is a non-profit organization and for more information
please refer to our website at WWW.CHISELERS.ORG)

Hillsborough County Disaster Plan

How Will Hillsborough County Recover After a Major Disaster?

That’s the question that Hillsborough County government and community leaders have been discussing for the past year, in order to develop a Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan. This is a plan that details how the County will redevelop and return to normal after a major natural disaster, such as a hurricane.

Hillsborough County was selected by the Florida Department of Community Affairs to be one of five pilot communities in the state to create a long-term post-disaster redevelopment plan (PDRP). The PDRP is a requirement for all coastal communities and municipalities. The County has a basic Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan, but this effort is much more substantial and will serve as a template for other communities around the State and the country.

Approximately 90 members from local governments and agencies, community and social service organizations, citizens groups and private residents have been meeting monthly since last year to draft this Plan. The draft Plan covers the subjects of health and social services; housing; land use; infrastructure; environmental restoration; economic redevelopment; financial administration; and public outreach. The final Plan will be submitted for approval by the County Commission later this year.

Now that a draft Plan has been put together, your ideas are needed to make it complete. Public meetings are being held around the County this month, where residents will be able to hear about the Plan, look at the draft components, and make comments.

DATE: Thursday, March 5
TIME: 6:30 p.m.
PLACE: Jan Platt Regional Library, 3910 S. Manhattan Ave., South Tampa

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wine and Cheese Party

Over 150 people attended the Wine and Cheese Party sponsored by First Community Bank last night. A huge Thank You goes out to Ed and Dee Bedore for arranging this whole party for Regency Cove.

Bank officers (even the President and Vice-President) and staff from many branches of First Community Bank gratiously served a variety of cheeses and wines to the residents of HORC. Kelly Costango, owner of the World of Wines of South Tampa, 3431 S West Shore Blvd, provided the wine and poured with all the bank officials, and even donated a case of leftover wine to residents at the end of the party. Everyone had a great time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

New Sign Installed

Today the new sign was installed outside the front gate. This sign cost 1/3 the price of the old sign that blew down during that tornado that hit us and several other businesses on Gandy. The old sign post were made of PVC plastic, these are solid 7" by 6" wooden beams that were 12 feet in length, buried 5 feet.

As I write, the men are installing 1000 watts of
halogen lights on each side of the sign. A new layer of clean mulch will finish the front up nicely. Nice job, guys!

In case anyone is wondering about the orange flags on the median, Ed Scobee and Sandy Ross were calculating the amount of groundcover plants needed as per instructions from our Master Gardener Lisa Strange. A small group of loyal volunteers met with Lisa on Wednesday to plan out the garden. Plants and trees will be ordered next week.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Western Dance and Chili Dinner

Club Regency's Annual Western Dance and Chili Night is scheduled for Monday night, March 2, 2009 at 6 pm. Come on out and learn to line dance or just enjoy a great night of fun. Entertainment for the evening will be provided by "The Del and Gary Show" (shown in photo) . These guys are hot and have been gaining popularity in Tampa. We are very lucky to have them here, with their busy schedule. It is sure to be a night of laughter and fun.

Call Guy Hislop for tickets. $5.00 ticket includes chili dinner and ice cream dessert. BYOB for the party.

Birthday Party for Bee Loomer

On Sunday, March 22, 2009, the family of Bee Loomer is celebrating her 90th birthday in Goodwin Hall from 3:00 - 5:00 pm. The residents of Regency Cove are invited to share their warm wishes with Bee, but the family requests that you sign up in the Information Room, so they have an idea of how many are coming. Food and entertainment will be provided.
Please run over (ok, drive, or ride your bike) to the Info Room, and be sign-up. This is such a big courtesy for the family.
We hope to see you there!

Wine and Cheese Party

Every HORC resident is invited to the complimentary Wine and Cheese Party on Friday night, Feb. 20, 2009, from 6:30 - 8:00pm, sponsored by First Community Bank of America, our neighbors at 3802 S. West Shore Blvd.

This event is nothing more than a social mixer, with libations served; there will be no program. The bank just wishes to show its appreciation for our business. Just about two years ago, they provided the refreshments for the book release of the History of Regency Cove - the First Fifty Years. Since then, they provided the best financial deal for funding our seawall project.

They are our business partner, and we share a mutual respect. Join us for a few sips.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Feb Pot Luck Supper

On Monday, Feb 16, 2009, Club Regency will sponsor the sit down roast pork and mashed potatoes dinner. Two hundred tickets were sold. This is a ticket-only event. No walk-ins.

Sweethearts will be honored this evening with a complimentary photograph under the arch. Dress nice. Make sure to sign your name on the registry, so you receive the correct photo.

A fun-filled evening is promised to all who attend. See ya there.

Committee members, please come to decorate in the morning, at 10 am. You are allowed to enter the hall at 4:00. Doors open for general membership at 4:30, and the meal is served at 5:30. Bring your drinks, cups, and your eating utensils. Plates will be provided.

Annual Meeting Packets

The delivery of the Annual Meeting Packets began today door-to-door. If you were not home, you found an orange ticket in your mailbox instructing you to go the Office and pick up the packet on Monday.

If you missed your Block Captain today, and wish to receive the packet this weekend, please contact your Block captain directly. If you need assistance, call Ruth Paruszkiewicz. She will direct you to your Block Captain.

Please take your time before you vote for the candidate(s) of your choice. Plan to attend the Meet the Candidates Night, scheduled for March 9, and make up your mind after hearing the candidates. This is a very important decision for each shareholder.

Come Celebrate Aggie's 90th Birthday

Mrs Aggie Foster will be honored on Saturday night, at 6pm, with a surprise birthday bash planned by her children. Everyone is invited! Aggie is turning 90!

There will be a brief slide presentation of her life and times, and then the Regency Cove Ramblers will entertain for the remainder of the time. Food will be provided, but if you feel like bringing an appetizer, go right ahead. Bring your own booze.
The festivities will end at 8:00. Happy Birthday, Aggie!

Yacht Club Luncheon

Tomorrow will be the February Luncheon of the Yacht Club members. Alex Garrido will be the entertainment. Ticket sales are over. This is just a reminder to those of you who purchased a ticket.

Community Gardening Conference

WHAT: Tampa Community Gardening Meeting
WHEN: Saturday, February 21, 2009, 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
WHERE: Sweetwater Organic Community Farm Tampa, Fla. (February 10, 2009) –

Tampa City Councilwoman Mary Mulhern is hosting a community meeting on February 21, 2009 at 3:00 p.m. at Sweetwater Organic Community Farm. Since holding a public discussion meeting in October of 2008 in Tampa City Council Chambers, Councilwoman Mulhern has heard from and met with hundreds of area residents interested in participating in community gardening. Many organizations are already working on community garden projects in the city of Tampa, Hillsborough and Pinellas counties. "Community gardens have been springing up in U.S. cities of all sizes in recent years.

Issues such as food security, high cost of fuel, health and environmental benefits are making the idea of growing food locally attractive and likely to be essential in the near future. I want to help Tampa area gardeners to share resources and ideas and recruit volunteers. Neighborhoods that are organizing, planning and even planting gardens include: East Tampa, Seminole Heights, South Tampa, Ybor City and others.” Community garden experts will speak about their experience creating community gardens.

After the presentations, all interested local organizations will have the opportunity to sign-up volunteers and provide information on their projects. Meeting is free and open to the public. Sign-up sheet in Information Room. We can carpool to this location.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

HORC Board Meeting

Tomorrow Feb 11, 2009, there will be a board meeting in Goodwin Hall.

Call to Order
Secretary Report
Treasurer Report
Manager's Report
Committee Report

Old Business
New Business
Ownership Limitations
Dock Agreement
Nominations from the floor for BOD
Meet the Candidates Night

See you there!

Gasparilla Photos

The Tampa Tribune is supposed to run some photos of our Gasparilla party on Wednesday, Feb. 11, 2009.

In addition, Virginia Davis has shared photos that were taken by Chuck's daughter, Vicki Patterson, on a Kodac share site. If you like them, you can purchase them directly from Kodac for a very small price. These pictures are professional in quality, and really give a feeling for the festivities. Thanks, Vicki! Beautiful job!


Thursday, February 5, 2009

New Board Candidates Sought

Just a reminder that this Friday is the deadline for candidates to submit to the Office their intent to run for the board. Notices are due by the end of the work day (4:00pm) on February 6, 2009.
Call Peggy if you have any questions.

A friendlier, more relaxed Candidates Night is being planned for all those running for office. All residents are encouraged to submit their questions for the candidates to the Association Office (there is a sealed container in the lobby for this purpose). A moderator will be chosen to ask your questions, and all of the candidates will likely be given opportunity to address each question. This event will be held on March 9, 2009, at 7pm.

Board Meeting Feb 11, 2008

There was a change in the date of the next Board Meeting which was listed incorrectly in the Outlook. The editor was not notified of the date change as the publication went to press. Wednesday February 11 is the date of the next meeting of the BOD at 2:00pm.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gasparilla Photos

(Better late than never at all.) Here are a few pictures of our festivities last Saturday.
The best bike was ridden by Wally Helbig.
Best decorated boat was won by Chuck Davis.

The best decorated golf cart was won by Rich and Linda Siddens.

The best male costume was a tie, split between Art Coutts and Paul Oschwald.

And here Ron Jeffries is awarding Margaret Mohar with the best female costume prize.

Each category was awarded 25 gold James Madison dollars in a sack. Nice prizes!
Thanks to all who competed.
Thanks to the Regency Cove Ramblers for their entertainment at the pavillion, waiting for the flotilla to arrive.

A huge thanks to Ron Jeffries and Mike Ross for co-chairing the entire event. It was a first for each of them, and many people complimented them on a job well done. The cooks did an awesome job of feeding just under 200 people with a delicious meal. The cooks include Joe Marchitto, Matt Casciano, Wes Rice, Wesley, and Tony Policelli. Roger DesRosiers made the coffee. Thanks to all you Guys. You are the greatest!

(Ron and Anna Jeffries) Mike Ross
Keep your eyes peeled on the Tampa Tribune. They just may be posting a few of these photos soon.