Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gasparilla Photos

(Better late than never at all.) Here are a few pictures of our festivities last Saturday.
The best bike was ridden by Wally Helbig.
Best decorated boat was won by Chuck Davis.

The best decorated golf cart was won by Rich and Linda Siddens.

The best male costume was a tie, split between Art Coutts and Paul Oschwald.

And here Ron Jeffries is awarding Margaret Mohar with the best female costume prize.

Each category was awarded 25 gold James Madison dollars in a sack. Nice prizes!
Thanks to all who competed.
Thanks to the Regency Cove Ramblers for their entertainment at the pavillion, waiting for the flotilla to arrive.

A huge thanks to Ron Jeffries and Mike Ross for co-chairing the entire event. It was a first for each of them, and many people complimented them on a job well done. The cooks did an awesome job of feeding just under 200 people with a delicious meal. The cooks include Joe Marchitto, Matt Casciano, Wes Rice, Wesley, and Tony Policelli. Roger DesRosiers made the coffee. Thanks to all you Guys. You are the greatest!

(Ron and Anna Jeffries) Mike Ross
Keep your eyes peeled on the Tampa Tribune. They just may be posting a few of these photos soon.

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