Friday, February 13, 2009

Feb Pot Luck Supper

On Monday, Feb 16, 2009, Club Regency will sponsor the sit down roast pork and mashed potatoes dinner. Two hundred tickets were sold. This is a ticket-only event. No walk-ins.

Sweethearts will be honored this evening with a complimentary photograph under the arch. Dress nice. Make sure to sign your name on the registry, so you receive the correct photo.

A fun-filled evening is promised to all who attend. See ya there.

Committee members, please come to decorate in the morning, at 10 am. You are allowed to enter the hall at 4:00. Doors open for general membership at 4:30, and the meal is served at 5:30. Bring your drinks, cups, and your eating utensils. Plates will be provided.

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