Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Heart Saver AED Class

This afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00pm, a dedicated group of Regency Cove residents attended and became certified in the Heartsaver AED program sponsored by the American Heart Association.

Thanks to the diligent efforts of board member Marie Avant, who first brought to the attention of the board of directors the need for such a device in Regency Cove, we were able to train the first group of responders. The device itself, now hangs in the clubhouse.

In class today, we learned that with trained CPR, administered after a heart attack, there is a 10%-12% survival rate. If you add the use of an AED, or defribullator, the survival chances jump to an astounding 90-95%.

The situation may not be perfect, but we are not a medical facility, and never will be. In the event, however, that a resident suffers a heart attack during a club sponsored event, or in the pool, or on the courts, in all likelihood, a trained CPR volunteer will not be too far away.

We look forward to additional training opportunities in the Fall when our snowbirds return.

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