Friday, February 5, 2010

New Candidates

Today marked the deadline for Declaration of Intent to Run as a Candidate for the Board of Directors forms to be returned to the Office. Our Gray Book dictates that after the deadline, a nominating meeting must be held within 5 days. That meeting was held today at 4:00 pm.

President Paul McCumber questioned the Board of Directors for additional nominees. He questioned the Board three times, with no response. Paul then put the question out to the membership, to call for additional nominations. Again, he requested three times, and again there were no additional nominations.

The slate stands:
Susan Dunphy
Sandy Ross
Betty Ridge
Dennis Kralick
Bob Simmons
Parker Kimball
There are four board vacancies. A Candidates' Night is being planned, and will be announced. Stay tuned.
Block Captains will be distributing packets by the middle of next week.

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