Monday, February 1, 2010

Screen Calls From Callbox

Just a warning to all park residents: On Saturday night, I observed a homeless man standing at our call box, hitting numbers in an attempt to gain access. You may know of him, he stands outside St Pat's Church on Sunday mornings with a sign that reads "Homeless Vet". His name is Joe. Joe has learned the names of one or two park residents who have helped him over the years.
When I spoke to him, he said that his usual sleeping place was flooding (it rained Saturday, remember?). I asked him why he didn't go to a shelter to get out of the weather, and he said that he doesn't like the shelters because there are too many rules. Joe is a heavy drinker, and shelters don't allow alcohol.
Please be careful of allowing park access to unidentified persons who may call your house. They may mention the name of well-known residents, but don't fall for it. If they do make it into the park, please call the police and report a trespasser.
We need to work together to keep our park safe.

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