Saturday, December 31, 2011

Blog Closes Down

Its time to say Farewell to the Whisperings.The first post on this blog was on May 29, 2007. This is the last one. There have been over 77,600+ hits in those four and a half years.

A new day of communication is coming, right on your Bright House TV screen. Stay tuned.

Nothing will be deleted for a month or so, the archives are quite interesting. Thanks to the loyal followers who left comments periodically. 

Have a safe and happy new year. May peace return to our community.

Mark Your Calendars

 The culmination of a year's work will be celebrated in a ceremony honoring the veterans of Regency Cove on Sunday January 15, at 2 pm. Dignitaries from MacDill will speak, a short video will be presented, and the books will finally be handed out. The publishing is coming to an end, so please reserve your book in the next few days. The books are being sold for $10 at Sunset 10 (Bedores).

We're hoping that refreshments will be served so that the vets can linger over the stories and share a few more memories.

Thank you to all who took the time to share your memories and photos with us. We respect those who chose not to share. Ed and I hope that this keepsake will be cherished in your family for a long time to come. The whole experience meant a lot to both of us.
See you there!

2011 - The Year in Review

This hasn't been one of my favorite years, but here's how it was reported on the blog. This is the third annual Regency Cove Whisperings Year in Review.
January 2011
The new year began with Happy Days and coupon books. The Friendship Club new year party was again a sellout! The Vegetable Lady was approved set up a stand to sell fruit and vegetables twice a week. Mary Willsey writes her last Friendship Club article in the Outlook, since the presidency has turned over to Alice Disharoon.

Wade Nimon
February 2011
Another Regency Cove Gasparilla celebration  goes off, due to the cooperation of Mike Ross, Ron Jeffries, Chuck Davis (Flotilla) and Cheryl Corbett ( Decorations). The Veteran's anthology is announced in the Outlook, and interviews begin in earnest. Leonard Helbig, Tony Sencich, and Mike Ross begin fabrication of the new cement benches for Sunset Point. Maintenance supervisor Ed Scobee is one of the team, doing a lion's share of the work. A new lawn service for our common areas started this month. (Wade is the most senior veteran in the book)

March 2011
In an unprecedented quorum, the shareholders of Regency Cove vote at the Annual Meeting 251 to 5 to not fully fund the Reserves, after threatened with a fabricated 33% maintenance increase. Elaine Belba, Dennis Hayes, and Rose Reis are elected to the board. The 18 Hole Golf League ended its season with a  banquet. To bid farewell to our Snowbirds, the Friendship Club hosts a Sock Hop and the Yacht Club presented a free dinner dance to its members.
On March 31, a tornado sweeps across Pinellas County, hitting two mobile home parks in Largo, crosses the bay, and hits Tampa just south of Regency Cove. Many folks gathered at the clubhouse, while the TV blared warnings. A nice time was had by all. Thank you, God.

April 2011

The new benches are placed on Sunset Point, and a few volunteers come out to assist. Tony and Mike have hand mixed over a ton of cement, and Sandy and Etel Helbig sand and stain over 500 feet of lumber for slats. A meeting is held at the Platt Library by Bayside West Neighborhood Assn. informing us that Georgetown developers want to be grandfathered in on traffic issues. Only one board member attends, Dennis Kralick. Residents of Regency Cove respond with a Town Hall meeting set up  by director Dennis Kralick for one week later.

May 2011
The infamous Town Hall meeting of May 5 allowed Georgetown officials and attorney to respond to questions of residents. They got an earful! Our board was not prepared to join in our fight against the developer, DeBartolo. Shortly after that, resident Ellen Nimon took the microphone and described the board's historical stand against Gandy Improvements and radical Georgetown development. The people of Regency Cove spoke, but only 2 board members remained to listen to the people.
The Kentucky Derby party was held on May 7. Simultaneously, an impromptu meeting was held at the pavillion on Sunset Point to organize a recall. On May 13, manager Cheri Scobee's employment is terminated by the board of directors, and reported later that day on this blog, and the largest number of comments (33) were posted by residents from all over the country. New manager Dawn Simmons, with 25 years experience, takes the reins a few days later.

June 2011
When the recall ballots arrived by process server at the June board meeting, the president resigned. The results of the recall were 222 for and 31 against. Housekeeping in Regency Cove goes to a new level, sprucing up and painting. The boat storage yard finally receives electric power.

The Beast
July 2011
Father Bob Goodwin bids farewell to Regency Cove. Judy Webb resigns as editor of the Outlook. Employee Richard Gauss leaves Regency Cove for a position at Bright House. His position will not be refilled. The board voted 5 to 3 to approve the $590 permit fee for the kayak ramp on Pelican. No cars are allowed and no parking signs were installed at the turnaround. Hall improvements paid by the Friendship Club are beautiful.
The Beast and I become acquainted at the Cardinal Bernadine Cancer Center radiation dept. in Maywood IL for the next 7 1/2 weeks.

September 2011

Hurricane Irene has smashed and devastated the eastern coast. Folks at home up North are having a worse hurricane season than us down here in Florida. New signs appear on our waterfront. Residents are amazed and curious. Board member Elaine Belba resigns from the board due to her husband's ill health. Although the board has requested and received resumes from the shareholders to fill vacancies, the item is tabled.

Board at work

October 2011
 A survey of residents' opinions is distributed in the October Outlook. One item of note was reducing the size of the board to seven. We still wait to hear the results.

November 2011

Pool repairs take a little longer than expected, but the stairs, railings, and  a whole new surface completes the job. The spa gains its own entrance, an improvement long overdue.

2011 Christmas Decorators

December 2011

Budget meetings are efficiently completed. Commodore Chuck Paramore retires from the Yacht Club, Paul Dillon steps in. A new light appears on the cupola above the Sunset Point pavillion.
Tragedy strikes when fire destroys a home. The quick response of neighbors kept the fire from tragic consequences. Neighbors generously donate money, clothing, and items for their new accommodations.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Shriners Burn Center & Crippled Childrens hospitals


For the many donations in 2011 of the snap tops from aluminum cans. Your donations to the Shrine organization contributed to 380 lbs collected in 2011. This will aid in the manufacture of MANY braces for the needy crippled children. Please drop off any large quantities at my home (10 Sunset), as believe it or not, some of these dissapear before I can get to them. Again, the Shriners thank you. Ed Bedore

Friday, December 23, 2011

A Different Christmas Poem

~ Anonymous

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.

The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know,
Then the sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.

Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.
A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.

'What are you doing?' I asked without fear,
'Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!'
For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts.

To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said 'Its really all right, I'm out here by choice.
I'm here every night.'
'It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.

No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at ' Pearl on a day in December,'
Then he sighed, 'That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers.'
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of ' Nam ',
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.

I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.
Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue.... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.

I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall.'

'So go back inside,' he said, 'harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right.'
'But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
'Give you money,' I asked, 'or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son.'

Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
'Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.'

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Commodore Retires

After two years of service as Regency Cove Yacht Club Commodore, Chuck Paramore retired last night handing the torch over to Paul Dillon. Tony Policelli will serve as his assistant, and Jean Wilson takes over as Treasurer. Good Luck folks, have a productive term.

Thanks to Chuck and Karen for a great two years.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

New Light Atop the Pavillon

Did anyone spot the new light on top of the Sunset Point pavilion tonight?  Something brand new is now adorning our shelter. Go check it out.

Fire Victims

I've been asked to report on Mike and Lucy Wishart, saying that aside from the total destruction of their home, both are doing well. President Dennis Kralick sent out an email asking for donations for the Wisharts, to get them through this difficult time.Bedding, clothing and food can be dropped off with Mike and Lucy at 7-28. The office has a donation fund if you care to kick in. This couple lost everything!
 Please think about them this holiday season, and consider giving a nice gift of cash tucked into a Christmas card.

Fire Destroys Home

Both of the inhabitants made it out safely, but the home at 5-37 is severely damaged. Neighbors provided immediate comfort and assistance to the couple until Tampa Fire and Rescue arrived, and later on the Police. The couple's golf cart was rescued. The couple was relocated in the park temporarily. Clothing donations began to arrive early last evening.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

SNAP for Seniors

Are you 60 years of age or older?
·        Are you having trouble making ends meet?
·        Could you use some help with your grocery bill?
·        Do you live in Hillsborough, Manatee, Polk, Highlands or Hardee County?
If so, call the West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging Resource Center.  We have a team of specialists who can help you complete the “SNAP” or “Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program” application over the phone. SNAP (formerly known as Food Stamps) makes it easier than ever to apply for food assistance.
·        No long paper applications to sift through
·        No computer or computer skills needed
·        Apply from the comfort of your home

If you would like assistance in applying for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), give us a call at:

800-96ELDER or 800-963-5337

Patricia Henderson, Community Services Coordinator
West Central Florida Area Agency on Aging, Inc.
813-676-5609 / Fax 813-623-1342

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Tampa Tribune

 To get a preview of the upcoming front page article about our Vets Book, click on the link below.

Go to TBO

If it doesn't work, leave a comment, and I'll try to fix it.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Christmas Decorators

This was probably the 4th annual wine and cheese decorating celebration hosted by the Friendship Club. The hall looks festivelt beautiful. Thanks to all who helped.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Veterans Book

The Tampa Tribune reports that there will be an article in the Monday paper about your upcoming Veterans of Regency Cove book. We are sure you will want a copy of this to put in your book. Watch for it. The book will be going into print soon, and delivery will be on our special day, January 15, Sunday, 2pm.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Regency Cove Veterans Book

Mark your calenders. January 15, 2pm, 2012, Goodwin Hall. DO NOT MISS THIS. We will distribute the Veterans book that day, and hope to have a very exciting program, with some surprises. We have over 80 vets in this book, with their picture when they were in the service, and their experiences, written by them. Honor our vets by participating in this event. If you haven't ordered, or paid ($10.00, no profit), get in touch with Ed @839-6776 or Sandy@835-9098. We hope to have Media coverage.
A reporter from the Trib has already spent some time with us. Keep your eyes peeled for an article about our vets.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

November 16 Board meeting

Meeting was opened on time: 1pm..finished..3:30pm..after preliminaries, the Financial report was approved, all OK.
Managers report: Pool construction is done. The 4 sided home inspections are done, and mostly all look OK. Our closed circuit TV channel will be ready Dec. 2. Dawn is very happy with the board cooperation. Every one should bring your title to the office, so they can make a copy of it for your file. Very important. The resent survey taken...421 sent out, only 119 replies...please, reply ASAP.
Committe reports: They are looking for volunteers for opening and closing the pool...
Incident reporting: Tailgating and speeding still an issue. We may pay $35 per hour, 3 hour minimun, on selected days for unmarked police officers to patrol the park. They have the power to enforce speeding laws....fine $155.00 per ticket..this may solve our problem? To be talked further about.
Adopt budget: Final approvement by members in 30 days.
Release of accounting firm: Done...we are now on Quick Books
Payment of tax penalties: Board approved 1166.00 in penalties..see manager for details.
Start Procedure for revoke share: names given...this is a first for our park. This is against a shareholder who is "undesirable" and has not complied with our rules or requests. It was unimous, that we go ahead with it, with all present.
Capitol Improvements: would "like" to put in a horse-shoe pit...more umbrella pool furniture...2 new picnic tables...a new grill for Junglelandia, add a Bochi Ball pit....
Lawn Car: Botanical Dimensions will have new contract...all in agreement.
January and February Board Dates: January 7, 10AM February 8, 1pm

Monday, November 14, 2011

Town Hall Notes

For other people who, like me, were unable to attend the latest Town Hall meeting, Ed and Dee were kind enough to keep minutes for us.  

The Meeting started at 10am with approximately 70 in attendance.

Brighthouse  with discussion of closed circuit This will be active on December lst on either Channel 95 or 96.  If   you have problems, call Brighthouse.

2.    Discussion on the condition of the medical equipment in the office, and the defibrillator and how to use it. This unit is automatically checked and is OK..instructions are verbal when opening.

3.    DNR forms:  This is the form you must fill out re:  resucitating.. do you   
                        Want to be helped or not…office will supply and laminate for
4.     Is the sign out front on the “to do list”?
         Dawn has much planned to beautify the park. Entrance sign included.
5.    Re-instate the maintenance of the uniforms.
          The board will look into this.
6.    With Richard not being replaced – reverse pay cut.
           There was no pay cut..just no increase.  Board will look into this.
7.    No town hall meeting for December.  There will be a special board meeting on the budget only.
 The parking problem will be completely re-visited.
Rules that cannot be enforced will probably be dropped, except speeding?
There are now 5 openings for the board.
Bi-fold walls for the hall…..opinion of the majority was NO.
Blvd 3 near Canal, eyesore home…being investigated.
Capital Improvements possible…picnic tables  on Pelican Point, new pool furniture….re-web some present pool furniture…add horseshoe pits where unused shuffleboard courts are…also add bocce ball court?
Website needs to be updated periodically. 
Note: There were two website administrators prior to this summer. Board Minutes and activity schedules, houses for sale, etc. were all up to date. The chief web administrator (Cheri) was fired by the board. The other web administrator (me) stopped updating the site from that moment on. This community needs tech savvy residents for Communications. Any volunteers out there?

PS Watch out for flying horseshoes....

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pools Repairs Are (Almost) Done!

 The pool repairs are almost finished!

Water is being pumped into the empty white shell at this very minute. The pool received a new white surface, new stairs, and new tile trim. It looks beautiful, and very very clean. Two handrails will go on tonight.

The reconditioned tables look almost new, and await placement on the deck area. It sure will be a treat to dip our toes into the water!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Smoke over Regency Cove

Tampa Fire Rescue firefighters have contained what earlier today was a raging fire at a scrap metal and recycling business at the Port of Tampa.
The fire was reported at about 3:30 p.m. today at Trademark Metals Recycling, 4201 Maritime Blvd., Tampa.
No one was injured in the blaze.
The fire started in a pile of household machinery and appliances which is about 2 1/2 stories high and the length of a football field, said Capt. Lonnie Benniefield, a fire department spokesman. The pile of metal ultimately was going to be transferred to a shredder, he said.
It is unknown exactly how or where the fire began. Benniefield speculates it started in the middle of the pile.
Large plumes of smoke from the blaze can be seen throughout much of the Tampa Bay area. Smoke is drifting over Davis Islands and Hillsborough Bay.
The fire department hasn't issued safety or hazardous warnings. Benniefield cautioned that no one should stand in an area where they can inhale the smoke.
The cause of the fire is considered accidental, Bennefield said.
"When you are moving piles of metal, they touch and there could be a spark," he said. "This is not uncommon for this to happen."
It isn't known how long it will take firefighters to put out the fire. It might take days, Benniefield said.
In November 2007, a large fire broke out at Trademark Metals, in an area where scrap metal was piled. Like today's fire, that fire caused a plume of smoke that could be seen for miles.
Stay with for updates.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Oct Board Meeting Notes

Forty-three residents were in attendance when the meeting opened. During the committee reports, Ron Jeffries announced that it was legal for any resident to fish off any HORC dock, a numbered dock. Please don't trespass on the private docks.
Manager Dawn Simmons gave a thorough report. We are in the first phase of our recycling program. A company in St. Pete is paying us for our stuff, but restrictions apply. The newspaper bin is for NEWSPAPER ONLY. Glass is white only, no colored glass. Curb service for recycles will begin on Nov 1, 2011. Please find an appropriate bin for glass, plastic and newspaper.
Nov 9 2011 - Regency Cove Junk Day. Put everything curbside for pickup.
Nov 14 2011 - Four side home inspections will begin. No junk is allowed around your home.
Pool repair delays have occurred. Pool may open Monday.
Bright House will soon provide to its customers a designated community TV channel for FREE. They plan to send a rep to the next town hall meeting to sign up new customers.
The Board approved a new credit card for Office expenses, with a $1500 limit before board approval is needed.
A motion was made and approved to begin the replacement of apartment windows. New doors will follow. The lowest bid was not accepted.
Three new bids for lawn and tree care have been received. The manager is dissatisfied with the current company. Item was tabled.
Old Business
The residents who use the Pelican Point kayak ramp requested car access to the Point. President Kralick offered unloading only privileges, but the group refused to negotiate.
Please be specific when filling out Incident Reports. Document time, date, vehicle description, tag number, person/s involved, and behaviors.
Property on B5, formerly owned by Mr. Lindenberg,was not sold on the court house steps, and has reverted back to park.
The board attorney will be present at the November board meeting.
The final item of business involved the purchase of a new financial program, Quick Books, to bring the finances back to the Office. Jerry Sullivan will return as our accountant, and folks with questions about their payments will be handled immediately by our staff. The current company is slow to respond to questions or other issues.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Town Hall Meeting Today

Five residents sat at the table in front of the Town Hall Meeting this morning: Ellen Nimon, Ron Herb, Pat Hecker, Diane Woods, and Rosemary Mann. Ron opened the meeting with a prayer and recognized the couples newly returned to the park. He announced that the coffee and donuts were provided by Lisa Wheaton of the Barefoot Realty Group. The following represents some tidbits of the meeting:
The Town Hall meetings are held to insure transparency and to keep communication alive. Residents have concerns about the board meetings, i.e. the routine waiving of the minutes at meetings, financial reports could be more detailed by describing the financial activities. Another concern is how are board conclusions are arrived at, because of the volume of emailing among board members.
 Pat continued by questioning the use of a proxy to select a board member at the last board meeting, and cited the section in our documents prohibiting this very thing. The president Dennis Kralick was available for comment and said that the board was unaware of the resignation and the proxy before the meeting started. Why are some board members so secretive that they can't even share among themselves?
Residents were encouraged to read our documents. Whether you have a gray book or a blue book, they are our governing documents and are, by law, required for inspection before the sale of every unit. The seller should be held liable for providing the buyer with the documents, not the board and not the manager. If you don't have them, buy them. R&Rs should also be provided for inspection before the sale.
On Respect-
Residents are discouraged from booing at board meetings. Conversely, board members are encouraged to listen to the residents and show equal respect. Workshops and Town Hall meetings will be used to promote open discussion after the agendas are posted. The agenda lately has been posted on the website.
On The Survey-
Support was overwhelming in favor of the recently distributed survey. Not every item was favorable i.e. equal maintenance fees. There was discussion on the size of the board, and the feeling I got is that the folks in charge are looking forward to a 7 man board. Many opinions were voiced.
On Parking and Motorcycles-
A committee has been formed to study the issue. Again. The motorcycle rule was omitted in a very sneaky way, when the board approved the rules that were written by a very secretive president.  Rule changes have historically been presented to the people with bold print and strike-throughs.These were not. Let's see how this shakes out.
On double lots-
Equitable maintenance fees, taxes, and sale of partial lots were discussed and will become future agenda items. Although one past board member admitted to promoting the idea years ago, no one person is to blame. Its a park issue that arose during the Ron Herb administration, was turned over immediately to our attorney, and needs to be resolved quickly.
More than two people in a home-
Please refer to section C of our documents, in the Master Occupancy Agreements, Article Four. You can't get any clearer than that.
The 2 Year Rental Rule-
I happened to be on the board when that was changed, and it was understood then that the change was only temporary. Its time to discuss this again. Another future agenda item.
The Canadian Flag-
Fly it or not? Most people said to leave it alone.
The next board meeting is Oct. 19 at 1:00. After that, Nov 16, with the agenda posted around the 6th. The next Town Hall is scheduled for Nov 12.
First Friendship Club dinner Oct 17.
First Yacht Club Dance is Oct. 22.

This was a good meeting. We've had good Town Hall meetings in the past. Let's hope this movement stays alive and strong, and  that the board  listens to the residents.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Town Hall Meeting

A Town Hall Meeting is scheduled for this Saturday at 10:00 am. Come to listen. Bring your concerns.

Just a thought... please complete the Surveys that were included in October's newsletter. The manager is interested in your comments and ideas. If you're still up north, mail them back to the office. 

Can You Identify?

As in all organizations involving the transfer of information, small glitches occasionally occur. One such glitch is the crashing of the hard drive which contained the contents of the veteran's memories and all their photos.We are in the process of recovering the information from the printed copies we have, and hope that our program will still be held in January 2012.

 We have a photo, but can't identify the soldier. Can someone please comment below if you have any ideas. The words "England 1943" appear on the back of the photo.

 Who is this man?

Tai Chi Class

Jan Platt Library will hold FREE Tai Chi exercise classes every Fri 1-2 pm.
This is a great class for everyone. It highlights deep breathing and gentle movements.
It will benefit those with balance problems, wheelchair bound, and those who just HATE
the very thought of exercise.
The teacher is Bonnie Thomas Birdsall, well known for her work in Assisted Living facilities including Grand Court. Resident Mary Lou Mittel has volunteered to drive a few on a first come-first served basis. Contact her directly, her name can in found in the residents' directory.

 Thanks, Mary Lou!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Platt Bridge Closes Monday

 The 85 year old drawbridge, which carries thousands of motorists daily into downtown Tampa, will close Monday. It is scheduled to be reopened in January 2012.

 The 518 foot bridge, built by the same firm that created the Golden Gate Bridge, was given historic status five years ago. All the gears and motors have been custom machined and are ready for use in this $13.8 million rehab job. The new bridge will be an exact copy of the former.

Traffic snags are expected. We are advised to use the Lee Roy Selmon instead of Bayshore Blvd for trips  downtown. Northbound Bayshore Blvd. will be closed at Swann Avenue. You are advised to add extra time to your trips downtown.   
                       source: TBT 9/28/11

Bayside West Meeting Oct 10

The Bayside West Neighborhood Association and the Guernsey Estates Crime Watch will meet at  Regency
Cove on Monday October 10, 2011 at 7pm.
Representatives of the Tampa Police Department will be there to discuss any problems in the neighborhood.
Fire Chief Tom Forward and Operations Chief Scott Ehlers will be at the meeting to give a presentation about the Tampa Fire and Rescue Department.
City Councilman Harry Cohen, our district, will speak and answer questions about the latest happenings in Tampa and at City Council.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Article Pulled

 On August 31, a post was written describing  a  newspaper problem which was uncovered that day. Someone was picking up newspapers from homes around the park. The article was presented in a tongue-in-cheek manner, describing ridiculous scenarios for the disappearing newspapers. No accusations were made, and no one person was ever identified on this blog as the "culprit". 

Some residents apparently have issues discerning fact from fiction and have created their own spin on this  situation. Without wishing to create any more drama or make further explanations, I have deleted the post and all of the comments with it. I am sorry if any resident has been been unwittingly fingered and mistreated by any individuals who misunderstood that post.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Don't Read The Blooooog!

I really have to thank my dear friends (who love and have spent nearly a decade of their lives serving this community) for the information to keep this internet discourse going while I was involved in treatments in an attempt to remain on this planet for a few years longer. There are so many people in this wonderful community who have volunteered on  committees, club boards, or the association Board of Directors of Regency Cove. Its good to hear feedback from experienced residents.
I also love hearing from the faithful blog followers, some of you I barely know, but you send your comments and letters of encouragement to keep the information coming to your homes all over the country. Communication has ALWAYS been a primary concern with the residents of this park. Communication was the primary shareholder concern 3 to 5 years ago, while I served on the Board, as Communication chair. This blog was initiated in an attempt to produce a method of immediate communication with all the shareholders in the event of a catastrophe. This blog has never been particularly welcomed by any of the 5 presidents serving during our existence. This blog has been brought before the association attorney twice, that I'm aware of. Each time I have readily made the changes requested by the attorney to dissociate this blog from the association. 

Our president doesn't like my bloooooog. He has asked the residents not to read it. I agree with him completely. If you can't handle sarcasm, or a tongue-in-cheek post about a phantom newspaper raider, for God's sake, please don't come here. Read the wonderful Outlook.There is much wonderful and timely information.

If our Board would get onboard and begin their own immediate communication avenue (their OWN blog), I might be happy to close this blog down. But on the other hand, someone has to point out the problems and irregularities. 

We recently paid over $1700  to secure that 8 foot stretch of slippery slimey kayak ramp built illegally by a few residents at Pelican Point. The property does not belong to us. How are we insuring this little strip of slimey land, that doesn't belong to us? If we don't insure our beach, how do we  insure an illegal kayak ramp?

By law, any changes to our common grounds require a vote of the shareholders. BIG PROBLEM! I see why Dennis doesn't want anyone to read the BLOOOOOG.

Historically, the Board has controlled repetitive seasonal rentals when there are many homes for sale in the park. When questioned by a shareholder at the meeting, one board member loudly defended the current open rental policy for the folks who have multiple investment properties. I have a problem with this. The majority of shareholders are NOT multiple owners. The board should be representing the majority of shareholders, not the handful who own multiple shares.  The Board should do everything possible for the average shareholder to get the most for his investment.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

BOD meeting 9/17/11

The meeting opened promptly at 10am with 89 people in attendance. It was a long meeting, not ending until 1:30pm. Elaine Belba resigned from the board because of her husbands physical problems, otherwise all 7 board members were present. After the Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, and silent prayer for Sept.11 incident, the board elected Dennis Kralick President, appointed Susan Dunphy temporary Secretary. Wes Rice, Parker Kimball, and R. Siddens ran for one of the other vacant seats. There was discussion, and that position is tabled till the next meeting. The board will be asking for more people to run for the openings. Minutes of July 20th meeting were approved and finnancial report was given by Reis. The subject of a new book keeping system was tabled till next meeting. Tim Reynolds and Warren Mansfield resigned from the infrastructure committee and were praised for their efforts. The Kayak launching area brought some discomfort as the cost to the park was over $1700.00. Because of the economy it was voted to lower the monthly cost for an upstairs apartment to $725.00, and a lower to $750.00. Some of the way some subject matter, on the "Blog" was presented was critizied and our President suggested that we don't read the "Blog", and discontinued the link from our website to the Blog. The no swimming signs brought alot of talk from the residents, and our manager will go back to the insurance company, to try to get the subject clearer. After all, for the same reason, shouldn't a sign by put at our swimming pool?????? More to come on this subject later. Our managers contract was approved by all board members with the exception of Paul McCumber. Having an "open house" weekend was discussed,and tabled. They wish to add a section for Home Sales to the website. $8/10 to list with 4 pictures and write-up.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Visiting an Illinois Museum

We had the opportunity on September 11 to visit a Fall Harvest Fest in the Chicago suburb of Wood Dale, just west of the city. There is an interesting museum contained in an old farm house from the 1800s in its original location. The site boasts a few acres of land, a stately 3 story home, an old barn with a silo, and the tiny little home which was the original farm house on that property. Residents dressed in vintage clothing sheared sheep, spun wool, and discussed Indian arrow heads found in the vicinity.

Mary Lou Mittel stands beside Yesterday's Farm Museum.
It may interest you to know, that Regency Cove resident Mary Lou Mittel spearheaded this historical project some 40 years ago. She convinced the family to donate their home to start the first ever Wood Dale Historical Society. Mary Lou served as curator for many years, constantly seeking donations to bring her dream to fruition.

Wood Dale residents have donated everything to Yesterday's Farm Museum. There's a room full of old typewriters and cameras, living and dining rooms, second story bedrooms and porch filled with memorabilia donated from residents of the town and area. The kitchen is as charming as it is authentic to the turn of century Midwest location.

This sentimental day was a difficult one for me and many other Americans as well. The Sunday sermon highlighted Forgiveness. My heart isn't quite ready to forgive the act of war that ended so many lives ten years ago. I can't stomach those who believe that the tragedy was actually the result of America's mistakes. I will not run out and volunteer for service as our president requested. I couldn't even find the words to write a post for that day. I chose instead to spend the day visiting a symbol of America's past built from hard-working, God-fearing, patriotic and generous people of our country.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

New Waterfront Policy?

People are amazed at the new sign that showed up on our waterfront the other day. I think most of the board members were pretty surprised too!

Just imagine... a waterfront community, with several sets of stairs going down into the bay, putting up signs to keep the residents and their guests out of the water!

Who is enforcing this rule? What exactly is "swimming"? Is wading allowed? What are the stairs for?

President Dennis Kralick explained that the new association insurance stongly urged that the sign be installed.  Liability.
When asked for further comment, Dennis explained that the policy is now "Swim at your own risk". That's what the sign should say. As waterfront residents, we've always gone into the water at our own risk. Feet cut open by a razor sharp shells --- own own risk.Stepping on a buried treble hook lure--- our own risk. Our responsibility.

Are people really that  obsessed with greed and revenge that they might actually sue our lovely association? Of course they are! What's wrong with me?! I have been been threatened with lawyers and lawsuits just for reporting the happenings in the park. Just look at someone wrong, and they're threatening to call their lawyer. Enforce the rules? Some people cuss and gesture, and threaten to take you to court.

We were told by our attorney many times "Do not make rules you can't enforce". I believe there needs to be further discussion from the board or the manager. If you want people to swim at their own risk, please say so. I agree with you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

A Word About Irene

Power is finally being restored to our friends and neighbors up north. We're glad to have you back. I talked to a friend in New York yesterday who was cleaning out her freezers and throwing away all the wasted food. Instead of cooking it up when the power went off, she kept the freezer closed in hopes of saving it. No such luck.
We've sat in awe watching on TV the force of the storms and floods you've endured as tropical storm Irene devastated New England. Wowee, the damage is unbelievable! We hope you're all safe and dry, your lives are back in order, and you hurry back to Florida  where, for now, we're safe. Keep in touch, and let us know how you're doing.

Friday, August 26, 2011

More on the Gandy Extension

By Rich Shopes, Times Correspondent
In Print: Tuesday, August 23, 2011

TAMPA — The Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority hasn't committed to a bridge linking the Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expressway to the Gandy Bridge, but that isn't stopping its opponents.

The project, they say, would divide South Tampa and destroy businesses on Gandy Boulevard.
"To me, there is nothing good from having a business under a bridge," said Mark Rubio, a South Tampa resident and commercial property owner. "Businesses just don't grow under bridges."

The authority earlier this month approved a study required to build the two-lane bridge but says it hasn't decided whether to move forward on the $130 million project to connect St. Petersburg to downtown Tampa, Brandon and Interstate 75.

Currently, drivers exiting the bridge have to drive about 2 miles east on Gandy Boulevard to reach the expressway's entrance at S Dale Mabry Highway. Business owners say a bridge to bypass Gandy Boulevard would mean losing thousands of drive-by customers and could separate them from customers north and south of Gandy. Others say it would destroy neighborhoods by creating a noisy barrier.

In a concession to residents and business owners who spoke against the plan, the authority's board called for a study to gauge attitudes toward the proposal.

Joe Waggoner, the expressway's executive director, said he will report back to the board in September about the scope and nature of that study.

If the authority moves forward, it will also need to complete a traffic and economic analysis to show lenders that the project would succeed.

Meanwhile, opponents say they've turned in 1,500 signatures of people against the plan and that they're trying to set up a meeting this week or next to decide on a strategy. Residents and business owners have been fighting the idea since it was introduced in 2008.

Al Steenson, president of the Gandy/Sun Bay South Civic Association, argues the authority should respect community concerns and that the agency's studies three years ago don't reflect current traffic levels or economic conditions.

The project would further hurt businesses by cutting drive-by traffic, he added.

"You put a 30-foot high elevated road down Gandy Boulevard and you will destroy this neighborhood," Steenson said.

"Most of the business here will go under," said Mikael Eskildsen, owner of Scan Design, a furniture store on Gandy Boulevard. "Everybody here has drive-by business: gas stations, liquor stores and banks. People stop here and do their shopping. But with this bridge, there won't be any off ramps. Forget it. They're going to be gone."

The authority estimates that traffic on Gandy will swell to about 48,100 cars a day by 2015, up from about 45,000 now. If the bridge is built, traffic on Gandy will drop to about 36,200 cars. Some 19,000 vehicles will take the new bridge, including drivers who otherwise would have used the Howard Frankland Bridge.

Tolls are estimated at 25 cents to 50 cents and would be collected electronically through Sunpass or the expressway's high-speed camera system.

[Last modified: Aug 22, 2011 11:50 PM]

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Citizens Insurance

Citizens Insurance has notified some in our park that they will not renew thier home policy. In most cases, its because of the roof being over 25 years old. Should this happen to you, call AMS at 1-800-282-3572 and ask for Joe. They will come in, take 2 color photos, inspect the roof and send the form to Citizens. Cost is $45.00. The reason for this blog is that there are some companies that are asking 125.00 for the same service. Don't be taken. Dee Bedore

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Brown Recluse Found

Today I got a phone call from the resident who found the brown recluse spider near his front door. Asked to warn everybody, and just refresh your memories. Here is the photo. They like to hide in clothes.These are the ones who have the violin on their backs.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Town Hall Meeting 8/20/11 10am

The recorded meeting was opened with a prayer by Ron Herb. Dennis Kralick then presided over the meeting of 4 board members and 60 residents. The unsightly mess at Georgetown will be addressed. Over 1/2 hour was covered on Parking, and suggestions will be referred to the Board. We will not replace the loss of one of our maintenance men. The West Shore gate will be open from 7am-3pm while waiting for parts to repair.

Interested parties wishing to be a board member were requested to submit their resumes, as it it will be discussed at next meeting on Sept.17. Outlook will be outsourced at NO CHARGE to the shareholder. To submit an article, email it to Patti Fennessy.

Dawn, our manager is now permanent, which met with a large response of applause. Our new hall renovation is absolutely beautiful, and cost was donated by the Friendship Club. Pats on the back were given to Sandy Ross and her committees re: almost $8000.00 obtained in grants. The new park benches and swings being finished now.

The meeting was run extremely well by Ron Herb and Dennis Kralick.Meeting adjourned at 11:30am.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Westshore Gate Under Repair

The Westshore Gate will be open from 7am to 3pm daily until repaired....  We are still awaiting parts....
Dennis W. Kralick
Editors note:
As always, please keep your eyes peeled for suspicious persons or activities in the park. If you see anything unusual, please call the police.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Good Morning All..As most of you know, Sandy Ross and I have started a project about our Veterans here in the park. Its turning out to be a daunting task, however, we have about 70 finished, most all with their early photos. Our biggest concern is that we DO NOT want to leave anyone out of the book. There are 10 of you who we are waiting for your photos and about 9 who still have to be interviewed. There may be even some we don't know about?? Please, we need your help if you are one of those, as we want this to be finished for presentation perhaps in January. Sandy won't be back here till Sept. so time is getting to be of the essence! Call Ed 813-839-6776, or email with any help you can offer. Thanks................Ed Bedore

A meeting will be held tomorrow with a reporter from the St.Pete Times Re: our project. They seem to be very interested.