Friday, May 20, 2011

Lies and Questionable Behavior

The president has stubbornly refused to resign from the board, and the recall vote was initiated. No one has challenged the numerous "Reasons for Recall" included with the ballot because everything was factual.

Since the ballots were mailed, residents of the park have witnessed aggressive outbursts of profanity from the president's BF and friends.Lies intended to discourage voting are being spread around the community. No, the president hasn't decided to resign, because they are still making calls to folks up north to encourage them to discard their ballots or vote no.

Can anyone explain the obnoxious behavior demonstrated by the guy who chose to drive his car out to Pelican Point last night to heckle and harass the Sunset Point sitters? The president's "friends" are setting such a pitiful example of adult behavior, its hard to understand who could even side with them.

The residents are tired of the secrecy of this board. Yet many of the presidents "friends" are blabbering such secrets, its impossible to believe in the integrity of some current board members. Things that only the president should know are being blabbed by someone who has never even served on the board. The president's BF is telling folks up north about the sizeable severance our ex-manager received. Is there any character and integrity left in some of our officers? Its terrible to see the other board members huddling around their questionable leader, and not listening to the will of the majority, as they claimed on Candidate's Night. Keep in mind, we put you office, we can undo you just as easily.

Let's get on with this recall, and find a board with some character that can honestly serve this community.


rmiller5338 said...

Once again you don't have the grit to add your name to nthe lies you are trying to spread. It is people like you that are causing ALL of the trouble here.This is the way Hitler did it in the thirtiesand you and your minions are acting just like them.You mow have a board that wants to the best for you but your leader wants to be the queen again. Remember she and her bobble heads put us in the debt that we are in, and here words ( let our children pay for it) if this is what you want please wave as you leave our park as we want to pay our debts and leave our children our little piece of heaven. I have noticed that you are still ashamed to sign your name to your words. Truly a gutless coward thatcan only spread lies and rumors as long as they remainanonymous aka coward.

rmiller5338@ said...

Every thing was factual its just that it happened during nimen and herbs watch. You can't even get your lies straight. why don't try to find out the facts and the truth instead of being a bobble head,thenjust maybe you would be a good neighbor instead of an anon ymous gossip monger

Anonymous said...

Probably one of the most ACTUAL, FACTUAL blogs we've ever had. Its pathetic what some will do when loosing. Here goes the leopards spots again. Hang loose, and vote. The park will return to normal when these crucial changes are made.

Mike Ross said...

Rather than making decisions that benefit the majority of the people in our park, our president FAVORS herself and her circle of “friends". Here are my reasons for a recall...
1 The afternoon bridge group requested a room divider for the hall, the president, then the liaison for a committee to purchase dividers, ignored the request but did support a $17,000 shuffleboard roof for her "friends".
2 When the majority of the residents wanted our president to support their concern with Georgetown, she declined until she was jeered. Only then she agreed to write a letter.
3 When asked to replace the no parking sign at the end of Pelican Drive so an ambulance could make a u turn rather than backup down that long street, she voted against it. Again she sided with her kayak friends.
4 Our president abandoned the most helpless and needy people by not supporting a hurricane evacuation program. Not even a committee. This is unconscionable.
5 It is a conflict of interest for the president to sell and manage real estate in the Park. It’s irrefutable that the president will monopolize real estate sales and management in the park now that she fired Cheri S. for NO VALID REASON. This is unethical, self-serving, and possibly criminal.

Anonymous said...

You can't put 700+ people in a small area without having some irritants. We are able to see most of them coming easily. The nice thing about it is that irretants are ALWAYS in the minority. You can tell why they are where they are in life.

Anonymous said...

Whats happening to the park is a NEWS item. I hope someone will write an article to appear in the June issue of the Outlook so our snow birds can also be fully informed. Its a news item, freedom of speach, etc.

Anonymous said...

Don't you think it would be a lot better off for people to get along rather than trying to stab people in the back? A lot of what is said is a lot of baloney.

Anonymous said...

All you are doing is starting a school yard bully to keep going on...
You are adults, all of you, all of you are responsible for your own actions! shame on you, shame on all of you! You have a wonderful park, mind your own buisness, don't worry to see who, who visits who, talks to to who and you won't be thinking of your self! It's not a;way about you!!! 55 plus, what would the kids say!? Would they want to live there, and why! (the either is going to be gone soon anyway) LOL

Mas as Hell said...

To the commenter above:
You are making a big mistake in assuming that we are all adults here. What do ya mean "its not about me?" Did you observe that moron Davis on Pelican Point with his friends and his car? Honking horn and shouting to the people on Sunset Point? Have you seen big bad ass Tim swearing at people in cars? Or Marie screaming at her neignbors in the street?
I rarely get out, but I have friends who keep me informed. My kids would say, Atta boy, Pop, don't take that crap from ANYBODY !

Mad as Hell said...

To the commenter above:
You are making a big mistake in assuming that we are all adults here. What do ya mean "its not about me?" Did you observe that moron Davis on Pelican Point with his friends and his car? Honking horn and shouting to the people on Sunset Point? Have you seen big bad ass Tim swearing at people in cars? Or Marie screaming at her neignbors in the street?
I rarely get out, but I have friends who keep me informed. My kids would say, Atta boy, Pop, don't take that crap from ANYBODY ! said...

To whom it may concern;In responce to the Recall reasons, here are some thoughts to ponder. Item#1 The removal of Cheri was confidential between Board members and the Attorney and therefore the board member or members who informedd any shareholder about what was discussed at the meeting was breaking Attorney Client privlege,and therefore broke Federal Law. These board member or members are the ones that be recalled. Item#2 Nothing is never not discissed at a board meeting except privileged information Item#4 The board shouldbe able to decide what is financially best for the HORC assn. when it comes to mortgage paaydowns. A self- serving shepherd has led the flock astray about what is best for all shareholders. Without paydowns in the mortgage principal,homeowners maintenance fees will certainly go higher Item#9 The truth is that the manager failed to be sure that that the signs that were removed when the sea wall was built, were put back in place.

Pete Chambers said...

I believe that the sale of real estate in Regency Cove by residents and employees has caused the most problems in the park. Residents should not be allowed to sell homes other than their own. Real estate sales should be handled completely by realtors with no connections to the park. It is pitiful that people our age still need to scheme to make a dollar. What were they doing when they were young? They probably thought they would never be old!

that people our age still have to scheme to make a buck. What were they doing when they were younger?

Pete Chambers said...

believe that the sale of real estate in Regency Cove by residents and employees has caused the most problems in the park. Residents should not be allowed to sell homes other than their own. Real estate sales should be handled completely by realtors with no connections to the park. It is pitiful that people our age still need to scheme to make a dollar. What were they doing when they were young? They probably thought they would never be old!

Anonymous said...

is this the same parker kimball that chuck davis promoted for the board of directors? the same parker kimball we voted for. thats the last time i'll listen to chuck davis.

Pete Chambers said...

We have always enjoyed reading the blog by "Living in Paradise". I believe that most of us know who that is. The first thing we do when we get up is have a cup of coffee and pull up the blog on our computer. The editor's comments we have found very informative and the nameless comments are amusing. I thank her for the great deal of time it must take for this project. I also want to say that the editor's words must be carefully investigated to be sure that the information is absolutely correct. i am referring to the so-called incident about Chuck Davis. What was reported was 180 degrees from what actually went on. Before I make an opinion I do my best to investigate several aspects of the subject. In the May 20 blog it was reported that Chuck Davis was seen at Peliocan Point with his car hassling the people watching the sunset and generally being obnoxious. On Thursday May 19 I asked Chuck Davis to show me what the problems were about the kayaks as I was ignorant about that subject. Mr. Davis then told me that he would pick me up and take me there to show me. I was picked up about 7 PM . We drove in his car to the Point. Upon arriving no one was there. We pulled up one of the stakes so we could drive there and show me the available space for cars. Of course this broke one of the main rules of the park. For whatever reason breaking this rule is more significant than breaking the 10 MPH rule of speeding on Canal. While there 3 men on bicycles rode up to see what we were doing. One seemed to be quite friendly with Chuck Davis. We began talking as guys do and if anything was mentioned about the park it was very insignifant, I arrived back home about 9:30. I had asked Chuck if he had been at the Point at any other time recently to make sure we were talking about the same day. While at the Point

Chuck Davis was a perfect gentleman and if any of the things reported had happened I would have told him very quickly that I was leaving and would walk home. No one else was present other than the men on the bicycles whose names I do not know. I have no reason to lie for Chuck Davis as we are on opposite sides of the fence reagrding the present Betty Ridge problem and the firing of Cheri Scobee. That was exactly what occured at the Point, so help me God. There are probably still some who would not believe this.

Anonymous said...

I have tried to comment here several times, one more will not hurt! Thank you Pete!