Saturday, November 17, 2007

Security Issue

At today's Board meeting, resident Dee Bedore brought to light an important security issue. Late at night recently, she was awakened to a phone call demanding that she "press the button" to let the caller in. Dee was alert enough, at that wee hour, to demand identification of the caller, rather than press the number to allow their access. The caller immediately hung up.

After the meeting, other residents came forth to say that they too have received late night gate access requests. Please be advised of this dangerous situation. Do not, under any circumstances, allow access to any individuals calling from the gate that you do not know.

If you are a resident with a non-working gate clicker, please go to the office and talk to Peggy for a replacement clicker. Never, under any circumstances, allow a caller into the park unless you are certain of their identification. The security of this park is dependent on every member. We are in this together! Let's take care of eachother!

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