Friday, February 29, 2008

Grills in a Small Community

Just within the past few days, several issues have surfaced involving outdoor grills. Apparently there are no current rules or regulations involving the use of grills on your home site. There are, however, restrictions regarding changes to your unit. Any changes outside of your unit require a permit from the association. If you install concrete or patio blocks on your site, you require a permit. If you paint your exterior, you require a permit. No work is allowed to begin until the permit is posted on the building or in a window. Violations will be addressed by the manager. Fines may be imposed, or the unit owner may be required to make corrections or changes.

Cooking on Balconies

The Florida Fire Prevention Code prohibits any cooking on a balcony of an apartment or condominium. The only exception is for electrical cooking appliances such as electric ranges or electric grills.

Storage of L.P. Gas or Gas Grills

The Florida Fire Prevention Code also prohibits the storage or use of L.P. gas in quantities greater than 1 pound above the first floor in any apartment or condominium. Therefore, L.P. gas grills cannot be stored on a balcony. It is important to note that L.P. gas cylinders cannot be stored inside the residential unit or anywhere above the first floor.

Please report violations to any Board member or to the manager.

Regarding the use of grills, we hope that all outdoor cooks take into consideration their neighbors' rights, health and well-being. Smoke should not bother your neighbors. Grills should not be positioned under windows, or too close to any structure.

Be a good neighbor. This community has a history of camaraderie and good neighbors. Let's keep it up.


Anonymous said...

This is a rather silly blog. We have no rules here for gas grills.This is not an apartment complex or condominium. This is Florida where everyone loves to BBQ. We have many people here who heat with propane. Maybe the person who is complaining does not know how to enjoy Floridaaa.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment to my Post. (not a blog)

The apartments to which I referred are the 16 units over on Canal. In the past, several letters have been written to our renters reminding them of the Florida statutes. This was just another reminder to any renting newcomers who may be following RCW, the unofficial blog.

We have no problem with people BBQing. The problem begins when shareholders alter their units or landscaping without a Board permit. Neighbors also may object to the second hand smoke way dirtier and deadlier than cigarettes. Do you know that some associations have banned smoking in gardens and other outdoor common areas, because of the stink and the perceived danger? Gees, and you thought WE had too many rules!!

Next time you have a BBQ, invite me, will ya?

Anonymous said...

Sandy Thanks for the info. I would think our office should be going over the rules with tenants/owners as they move in. All the rules in this park a lot of people do not know about and as you know some rules are just made for certain people. What happened to GOOD NEIGHBORS? I'd love to invite you for a BBQ.