Saturday, March 1, 2008

Shareholders of Regency Cove

The group Shareholders of Regency Cove met this morning at 10 am to a very full house. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an informal forum for communicating the undercurrent topics in the park. Betty Ridge opened the meeting by explaining the importance of the election in 12 days. This is not the time to vote for your friends, she said, but to choose people with business experience who can make responsible decisions for all the shareholders.

Two other shareholders spoke, Bob Orcutt and Ed Pauquette. Bob's message dealt with the importance of keeping an open mind and ultimately learning things from new (young) people, and Ed reiterated his comments about funding options for the seawall. (See comments under the 2/16/08 post called "Board Passes Seawall Motions")

The meeting planners were pleased that so many residents took the opportunity to speak out. It was said that residents got feelings out of their system, and will hopefully move on.

I hope EVERYONE has this stuff out of their systems, and will now move on.

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