Saturday, March 22, 2008

Trash and Treasures Day

Last call for vendors! Hurry to the Info Room at the clubhouse to sign up for tables.($5) We are asking donations from all of the residents for items to sell at the Club Regency table. If you come across a few unwanted items or pieces of clothing while you are packing up to go back north, call an officer, and we'll make arrangements to pick them up, or you can bring them in when you come to shop. (Officers: Mary Willsey, Sandy Ross, Judy Webb, Helen Baker, Gail Horvath, Dee Bedore, Joyce Healey, Marilyn Cauthorn, Carole Hindman, Linda Siddens)

Vendors please do not arrive before 7:30 am on Thursday morning. The men will be setting up the room and you will only get in their way. The doors will be locked until 7:30am. You will need a Vendor badge or a Volunteer badge to enter at 7:30. Volunteers are signed in on the Volunteer sheet in the Info Room. Badges will be distributed the day before, if we catch you at home, or early Thursday morning. Two badges per table will be given unless you need more. The public will be allowed to enter at 9 am.

As always we need baked goods for the bake sale. Please make sure you have a badge if you plan to work at the Bakery table, by signing up as a Volunteer.

Lunch will be served around 11 am, or a little before. The $3.50 lunch menu includes a sloppy joe, or a hot dog, or a sloppy hot dog with two sides. Sides include baked beans, potato chips, or potato salad. Hot dogs can come with sour kraut, plus two sides.

Soda, water, and coffee will sell separately for 50 cents. A lovely array of baked goods will also be available.

Please remember to bring a few things for us to sell at our table. We use this cash to defray the entertainment costs at the pot lucks. Next month: Dr Dan the Music Man!

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