Monday, May 12, 2008

Finance Committee Meeting

This is really a brand new event for Regency Cove. An OPEN Finance Committee Meeting will be held on Thursday May 15, at 2:00 pm. Committee chairperson Rose Reis will convene the meeting, and our guest will include First Community Bank, with a brand new proposal for us. Mercantile Bank has been invited and declined TWICE. Let's finally put them out of the picture.

Other topics on the agenda include a Reserve Study for Regency Cove, and a discussion of the new share paydowns and pay-offs.

Our new Board is intent on maintaining an open forum with the residents. All committees are keeping minutes, which are posted in a book for your perusal. All Board meetings are open to the shareholders. Please help us help you. The new comment form is available for your use. At a meeting this morning, we tweeked a final change. Very soon the new form will will be available for all the residents' use. The Board wants to hear from you.

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