Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Watch Your Butt!

A resident on Sunset Blvd. reported today that he arrived home from a short errand outside the park to a smoldering fire in his landscaping mulch, just off the street. Neighbors reported that they smelled smoke at that time, but assumed it was the grass fires that are burning outside our neighborhood.

PLEASE DO NOT DISCARD LIT CIGARETTES ON THE GROUND! If you see anyone throwing cigarette butts on the ground anywhere in the park, and you are uncomfortable talking to them about it, please go to the office and ask for a Comment Form, and write it down. It will be handled anonymously.

If you smell anything burning, please go outside and investigate, or call the office or a Board member to check it out. Fire conditions in Tampa (and Regency Cove) are at a critical level.

Your assistance could save your neighbors' home or even a life!

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