Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weather Forecast: Isolated Thunderstorms

Don't quite know how many of our readers are Snowbirds. (No one leaves comments anymore). There is a critical issue in Regency Cove that every shareholder needs to know about. Water Consumption !
The year-round residents of Regency Cove are currently experiencing what few Snowbirds are privy to--- summer in Tampa. We awaken to glorious sunrises, and those of us near the water, or those who are drawn to the water adore the salmon-pink hues on the clouds and landmarks across the bay at dawn. Early risers walk and glorify with other early-risers the coolness of the moment and the beautiful hues of God's delicious dawn.
Like clockwork, every day, the heat intensifies, humidity wilts anyone or anything outside after 10 am, and the storm clouds gather. If you happen to be out on a boat, or walking the street, you are strongly advised to watch the skies, because pop-up storms occur in mere moments.

Day after day, we have been captive in our homes for the mid-day storms which have lasted well through the dinner hour. Its almost getting tiresome. I spoke with a friend today who is cleaning out cabinets and drawers during each downfall, and she proclaimed that she was well ahead of her usual cleaning schedule.

So what's the problem?

Vacated homes throughout the park continue to use our precious water to irrigate their lawns despite the bountiful rainfall. We question the mandated rain sensors on those properties. As concerned neighbors report the violations, we attempt to contact those absent-residents to alert them to the unnecessary watering.

The Regency Cove Board is seriously considering a fine schedule for water violators. Due to the seriousness of the water shortage in Hillsborough County, the City of Tampa has increased their initial First- time fine payment to $50o.


Anonymous said...

Your right about water abuse and the complete disregard of those residents who do not have rain sensors. Oddly enough,however,some of the guilty ones are actually MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS.
You can find them watering on a Tues(which is allowed)even though it rained on a Monday. This is the Board who will raise your Maintenance fee next year and want you to believe that the cost of water has risen. It probably has and so has the inconsiderate use of the water. If your truly concerned about the misuse of the water,ask your Board what they are honestly doing to "catch" the violators and what their corrective actions will be.How many inspections for the water shut-offs have they done so far? Let's get the Board to be serious about this and stop the "lip service".

Anonymous said...

C.R. Tonight, I am going to break my tradition of not responding to the comments. Your comment about the Board's "lip service" is weighing heavy on my heart. This is the kind of crap that makes me wonder why I spend so many hours every week on board committees, then typing up minutes at home, updating the web page and blog, and following up on the phone calls Of residents with very serious concerns.
Do you have any idea how much time the Board members spend on their UNPAID positions? You attack the Board like all 9 of us party at night with our sprinklers going.
If you have a complaint about any one person, please fill out one of the forms we recently devised to file a complaint. Two or three weeks ago I reported to the Manager several homes irrigating on a FRIDAY night. On Monday I called our Manager and gave him the addresses, (One was a Board member). I learned a short time later that all of the homes had a professional lawn treatment that day that warranted special watering (by County rules).

There is nothing in our "job description" that puts the Board members out on the street at 4am catching water violators. Nor are we expected to do on-site inspections of homes. We're the ones attending all the committee meetings all afternoon and night. It is the responsibility of every resident in Regency Cove to report violations.We are all partners in this co-operative. How can you possibly ask 9 people to do all the work for every resident, while you sit there at your computer and criticise? Please help us, join a committee. If you don't want to join a committee, then learn how to fill out the new suggestion/complaint form. Ron Herb has already told you, at a recent Board meeting, what we will do to "catch a water violator". We are turning them in to the city of Tampa.
Call me at home if you want to discuss this further ((835-9098). I don't want to put you down, I just want you to understand that the Board is just trying to do what we can. We ain't super-heroes.

Living in Paradise said...

I have an apology to the concerned resident who took the time to comment. I thank you for personally contacting me and for the opportunity to talk to you directly.
I told you that I had just gotten home from an evening meeting, after an afternoon meeting, but there is no excuse for the rudeness I displayed with my comment. I am truely sorry.
When "concerned resident" showed me the letters written to the Board that as yet are unanswered, I am concerned. I am the person in charge of "communication", and it seems I've dropped the ball. I will meet with a few members of the Board as soon as possible, and try to resolve this issue.
To Concerned Resident, I do thank you for the concern and the courage you have shown.I don't know know where its going to go,but you will receive a answer from the Board.

Anonymous said...


Ed Bedore