Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October Activities

Its time to turn the page of the calendar, and once again bemoan how quickly each month seems to pass.

Everyone is very pleased with the new editor and layout of the Outlook. Our congratulations and thanks go out to Judy Webb, for her professionalism. If you haven't seen it, rush to the Information Room and pick up a copy before they disappear. We will soon provide electronic copies free of charge to those who request this service. Check with the Office, and leave your email address with Peggy.

Club Regency will have a true pot luck (no meat provided) on October 20. Costume judging will occur between 5:00 and 5:30. The meal will begin promptly after grace is said at 5:30 pm. A Spook-Tacular Magic Act will follow the meal. Everyone in the park is invited, but please sign-up in the Information Room and don't forget to bring a covered dish which will feed at least 8 people, your beverage, and your utensils and plate. Very nice prizes will be awarded for best costumes.

The Yacht Club is welcoming back our snowbirds with their first luncheon of the season on October 25 at 1:00pm. A sign-up sheet is in the Information Room, for members only, and tickets must be purchased in advance. See Warren, Marie, or Susan Dunphy for the $7 feast. Entertainment will be provided for your dancing pleasure. Anyone can purchase a ticket to come to the dance.

Remember to periodically keep up with progress on the seawall at the link to the right, or the following shortcut.


Don Spector said...

Kudos-to the new look of our park newsletter the Outlook.I thank the hard work of all those involved.This is a major improvement and improves the status of our park.I send this newsletter to my x-wife each month as she wants to move here when she turns 55.(now she is 52) Keep up the good work.Thanks!!!Do i want my x to move in?????

Anonymous said...

I think that's sweet. Thanks for the compliment, I hope Judy sees it.