Sunday, November 23, 2008

2009 Budget Arrives in Mail

The proposed 2009 HORC budget arrived in the mail this week. Every shareholder should have a copy of this by now. At the December Board Meeting, it will be voted on by the Board of Directors.

If you have any questions or concerns about this budget, please contact the Office, Manager, or any Board member. If for any reason you have not received a copy of this budget, please call Peggy and let her know.

Snowbirds, if you have just returned to the park and have not let the Office know that you are here, your mailing has gone north. Please call Peggy and let her know you have returned. All residents, please advise your neighbors to check in with the Office upon their return. The sign-in book is now conveniently located right inside the door of the Office. We can save lots of money in mailing if we know you are here.

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