Saturday, November 1, 2008

Gasparilla Planning Meeting

Call for Volunteers!!

On November 5, 2008 the planning committee for the upcoming Gasparilla celebration will be meeting in the hall at 1:00 pm.

Ron Jeffries will serve as chairman of the festivities, and Mike Ross is the first mate of the Flotilla. If you would like to assist in any aspect of the party or parade, please attend, or let Ron know.

We need help with the flags, ticket sales, hall decoration, cooks, flotilla, the all girl marching band, judges for boats, bikes, and golf carts, and clean-up. Without your help, this party will not succeed.

Come on out, get involved in one of the funnest activites of the year. No clubs sponsor this event, it is all accomplished by volunteers..... you.


Anonymous said...

People should read this.

Living in Paradise said...

You can say that again!