Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Club Regency Honors Pat Myers

At the Thanksgiving potluck supper last night, Club Regency did a surprise honorarium for past resident Pat Myers. Pat has served Regency Cove for decades, visiting homebound, taking folks for rides to the store or just around the park. In more recent years, he has jazzed up his golf cart to be the honorary mobile boom box for Gasparilla parades, and July 4th parties. Pat left the park earlier this year to another facility but he said that he daily remembers his friends and colleagues back here in Regency Cove.

After the ceremony, Pat donated the original painting of Regency Cove by resident artist Doris Long. Pat generously paid for reproductions to be printed up for residents to buy, as a donation to Pat's charitable cause (St Vincent Society)

More than 160 members and residents attended this sit down dinner of roasted turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes, green beans, cranberry sauce, and a roll and butter. The dinner was FREE for members. (You don't get this anywhere else, folks!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

20 years ago, our old home here in the park had no furnace but 2 gas log fireplaces. We woke up to 29 degrees, and no propane left in the tank. You could see your breath. The law will not allow you to transport filled tanks laying down, so I needed someone with a truck. Up and down the streets looking for a truck, I ran into Pat Myers house, with a truck. I did't know Pat at the time and felt funny knocking on his door early in the AM asking him to help me. He got dressed, we got the tank filled, re=connected and everything was fine...when I asked him "How much do I owe you". he simply said NOTHING, JUST DO A GOOD THING FOR SOMEONE ELSE< ITS CHRISTMAS TIME> This was and is Pat Myers. Ed Bedore