Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Agenda Items

The following items were discussed at the agenda meeting today, and should be included on the agenda for the meeting July 15, 2009 at 2pm in Goodwin Hall.

Quick Books classes for employees at $256 per person. Cheri and Rose will attend a class next Wednesday, and Peggy and Susan will attend next month in Orlando.
Rules and Regs mailout
Installation of wall sconces
Committees – approvals, recommendations and form for future reports
Solar panels – where from budget is money coming?
Replacement of pool furniture
Clubhouse roof repair is still pending, however, no further board action is necessary
Godells and Solomen board action required
Status of home sales in park - how will sale funds be distributed?
Estate sale in clubhouse in August
Guest visitor badges
Shareholder financing – tabled til August

After all items for agenda inclusion were exhausted, some additional comments were made by board members:
Keep the maintenance fees down
Home standards are deteriorating – who is in charge?
Comment and Suggestion forms are not being acknowledged by the manager
Rules and Regs – What is taking so long?
Infrastructure Committee report – will be read as a committee report at the meeting
Employee Job descriptions – Do we have such a thing?
Employee benefits, i.e. vacations – how can we access this information?
Issues with the back gate
Board members and residents unable to access the manager – Can time be allotted per day for people to talk to the manager?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Access to the manager should have been ON the agenda...this is serious. Am not sure if appointment only...or.....1 hour per day set aside, and if no one appears, so be it...but something has to be accomplished to solve this. The manager is a busy person, but the staff is being over protective.....