Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall Hit Florida Today

For any of you in the northern states who follow this blog, you may be interested to learn that Fall hit Florida today. No, our leaves are not changing colors, or anything like that. In the last few days our afternoon temeratures have dropped from 94 degrees to 66. Driving home Wednesday from a conference in Pinellas Park, my dashboard thermostat registered a whopping 96 degrees outside, at 3pm. This was not typical October Tampa weather.

Yesterday, a front moved in. Air-conditioners all over the city were shut off and windows opened to allow the cool and dry breezes into our homes. Anyone with windows left open overnight had a rather brutal awakening to temps in the low 50s early this morning. We actually had our HEAT on this morning, because we were so cold. During the day, it did warm up to mid-60s, and a few residents made it out on their bikes in warm coats and hats.

We've been waiting for this for weeks... "Hey, I'll do a little weeding when it cools off a little". Well, its here. Its time to clean up outside.

OK, I know you northerners have had frost warnings and even snow already. I don't want to hear it from you. You're SUPPOSED to have crappy weather up there... that's why you can't wait to return here. We're waiting for you, snowbirds! Hurry home. The weather is fine, well, cooling off a little.

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