Tuesday, October 20, 2009

To Cheri and Ed Scobee:

I wanted to write out a card to thank the maintenance staff for their help setting up the Club Regency Dinner yesterday, but I got caught up with the budget stuff this morning, and just plain forgot.

I was the chairperson for the Oct dinner last night, its been about 2 years since I last did this. I made a HUGE mistake, and forgot to submit the drawing for the room set-up. I have to tell you, Cheri and Ed, that your maintenance staff was SO POLITE and RESPECTFUL to me, and those of us setting up the clubhouse at the last minute. Richard and Bobby made sure that the room was set up to the specs I was given a week ago.

I am so proud of the caliber of service we receive from our staff. Moments before her Monday departure, Peggy made copies of Halloween Dance tickets for us to sell at the dinner. It is just amazing to me that our staff will, at the drop of a hat, make adjustments in their busy days to accommodate the activity chairmen, to make our events successful. You all went out of your way to make the Sept 11 Memorial Service beautiful and so memorable. I can't begin to thank the Guys for all the preliminary and on-going work on Blvd 7 to make the Grant Project successful. Our tropical garden is so beautiful.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are amazing.

Sandy Ross

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